Splinterlands Glint meanings - Gone Like Icarus, Near The Sun

in LeoFinance2 months ago (edited)

With the latest Splinterlands changes where you don't play to earn anymore, but rather play for some zero value in game assets, I need to write some funny stuff in order not to explode. GLINT is the new in game token which can be used, as you guessed, only to purchase in game assets from the Shop which can never leave this realm. So, let's have some fun on how the GLINT asset naming has been created. The GLINT brand or acronym can easily have been created from any of the bellow satiric phrases.


Gold Luring Investment Now Totally Worthless

That time you decided exotic investments like Splinterlands were your new hobby, only to learn that not all that glitters is gold.

Guaranteed Losses In Nifty Times

That online play2earn game you've read about promised sure wins, but all you got were lessons in what not to do next time.

Games Lost, Investments Not Triumphant

Remembering the time you invested in a play2earn game start-up that was supposed to be "the next big thing" in competitive underwater basket weaving.

Going Low In No Time

For that $SPS you were sure was going to soar, only to watch it plummet the minute you invested.

Guaranteed Loss In Nefarious Times

That time you tried to get rich quick with a scheme that sounded too good to be true (because it was).

Grandma's Legacy Invested Now Tarnished

That moment you decided to put your inheritance into what you thought was a "can't-miss" venture.

Glittering Lures In Nefarious Trap

The investment that shone brightly with promise but was just bait for your hard-earned money.

Great Losses In New Tech

Diving headfirst into the latest tech craze only to find out it was more bubble than boom.

Gone Like Icarus, Near The Sun

Investing too ambitiously without heeding the warning tales, only to get burned.

By writing this article I've tried to laugh through how scared I were from the direction Splinterlands is heading towards: nowhere. Instead of keeping the path of decentralization, play2earn tradeable assets, we went towards in game assets. A shift from web3 to web2 through which I felt that the user's powers have been taken overnight and once a game that we were worshiping and believed in, now seems to be metamorphizing into any other game from 10 years ago. I tried to have at least some fun about the situation in which we find ourselves.

I must confess that my preferred acronym for GLINT is "Gone Like Icarus, Near The Sun". Which is yours?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Too bad it’s going this way. And I’m glad that decided a while ago to get out completely because it was taking too much of my time. That’s why I also ended up with at least 6x my initial investment as result

That is quite an amazing return of your investment 6x, although I start feeling that I am losing time for pennies now.

I had a lot of sympathy investment, that were really quite bad investments, where I hope that the projects would be able to turn things around.

I’ve now sold most of those kinds of assets and got some swap.btc and swap.eth instead. I also transferred some funds to thorchain, which btw is phenomenal

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This is a very wrong design by them people will stop playing this game now so many things have gone wrong this game was very popular all over the world but this decision is causing people a lot of trouble now. And the amount of money people have invested in this game will be difficult to recover.