Gaining more visibility as a hive blogger

in LeoFinance9 months ago (edited)

If most of us here are asked to name the best social media platform we've ever been on, without any doubt, I'm sure Hive will take the highest number of polls and the reason is not far-fetched from the numerous benefits attached to being a hiver. Many of us got introduced to Hive as just a money-making platform, getting onboarded, It won't take you time to notice that it is so much more than that. A popular quote from a friend here on hive @bularj states "Come for the crypto, stay for the communities" I think the quote should be adopted by everyone on hive and also ring in the ears of newbies, because they are the most vulnerable ones who are yet to explore the amazing benefits of hive, thereby making most of them to give up too soon when they don't start making rewards after a few posts.

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Most oldies already know that , Hive is all about engaging and making connections, You can't be an Islander on hive and expect growth, think of hive as a town with different communities, What makes your stay less boring and beneficial is building connections, also contributing your quota for the same growth of the community. From my experience in my almost a year of activeness on hive, I discovered that any activities I get involved with here on hive, always have their benefits one way or the other, and remember I said, it's beyond reward. For instance, just reading other author's posts can inspire you in multidimensional ways, as you've noticed there are different communities for diversified topics, and you don't need to subscribe to all and be overwhelmed, better still, sticking to your niche community makes it easy to contribute and blend in. Also, Have you ever got stuck on what to write about, then you decided to read other author's posts, then boom! You begin to get inspiration on what to write about, I can imagine someone reading this post and thinking out loud already, it happens every time. You start to brainstorm ideas and before you know it, you have a rough draft of your post. You start to refine it, and you become more determined to finish what you started. Finally, you are satisfied with your work and you are ready to publish it.

With all that being stated, sadly, there are still some hivers who complain about not getting enough visibility and support for their work, even though they put in their best. For the sake of the post, I will be sharing some helpful tips from my little experience here that can help bring the attention you want to your post. Stay tuned, as it promises to be interesting.

Engagement goal

I already introduced this aspect, but I need to emphasize it more, One of the best ways to get noticed on the blockchain is by upping your engagement, I'm sure there are some users that come to your mind reading about this because they made themselves noticed by always reading other people's content and dropping quality and engaging comment, not spamming comment, such as nice post!, good job! or dropping an emoji, as this will give the intention that you didn't read the post, but when you engage well, they will get interested to even view your profile, and you might possibly earn a follower through quality engagement.

Quality Post

Some communities have a restriction on the limited number of words allowed especially for a contest. Not following the rule automatically disqualifies you from their support, and also when you follow the rule, make sure to make your post quality, ranging from your content, the use of markdowns, and sourced images correctly. An extra tip is that using your images, making sure it is a high-quality image, brings even more viewers to your post. That is why it is advisable to invest in either a good phone or camera to take quality pictures as this will also ease your blogging journey. Sometimes, when you get writer's block, just looking at a beautiful picture you took can inspire you.

Use the correct tag

The benefits of adequately tagging your post cannot be overemphasized. Some tags such as #Neoxian , #proofofbrain are general tags, some communities also have their tags especially when writing for a contest, make sure to properly read the rules and the proper tag to use, so you don't miss the chance of possible support. When writing about finance or crypto-related subjects, do not forget to use #leofinance tag.

Post on time for contests

When making an entry for a contest, make sure to submit before the time given for the contest elapses, I see a lot of entry in some community that gets submitted after the close of that contest, some communities keep strict rules, so always make sure to be on time when submitting your entry, that way, you have other authors to engage with while it's still running, and also have them visit you.

Build connections

The best way to enjoy your journey here is by building connections and never stop asking questions, one good thing about rivers compared to other social media platforms is how friendly and willing they are to help you when you are stuck or not sure about a certain thing, one year on hive now, I still ask questions because there are so much more I still need to learn, learning never stops on hive, also from the little I've learned so far, I don't hesitate to share with others as well, Community Discord server is another place you could interact more personally with the friends you make here on hive.

I hope you've been able to learn a few tips to up your visibility to enjoy your journey on Hive and also earn more and be a helper to more newbies coming in. What's the fun in learning if you don't share huh? And finally, remember, learning never stops. I wish you success as you grow on the blockchain. Enjoy the journey and don't forget to have fun! Share your knowledge with others, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Stay curious and open to learning something new every day.

Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day ahead.❤❤

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 171 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

These are pretty helpful tips you have here. One problem I usually have is posting on time. I have noticed that when I post late, even if it's still within the time frame, I don't get as much quality engagement or rewards and that's something you highlighted.

This post was quite helpful. Thank you for sharing

cute little help :)