UST Bad but HBD Gud? Nah. No need to take sides.

in LeoFinance2 years ago


A lot of people are recently trying to scoop about what has been the darling in crypto with the permission of NFTs in the pandemic years: The Stablecoins.

With the proliferation of what I call "Algorithmic Stablecoins 2.0" (1.0 were the likes of DAI or Ampleforth)
It seems to grow the necessity of taking a side, like if you need to choose a Stablecoin For Life and then proceed to bash all others into the FUD-Oblivion.

I think this trend is a subproduct of the terrible Mass Media and Politics partnership that has damaged society at all levels. We have been trained to fight and hate and talk crap about everything that doesn't fit our playbook.

I'm still convinced that Anchor-UST-Luna machine works better than the Magical Mistery Tether Machine. If UST demand keeps expanding, LFG can keep burning Lunas to incentivize Anchor for the time being; even with the latest changes, once ANC reaches 12-15% plateau, this are a No-News again; There are simply too much assets in the world looking for yield and composability. The market can do whatever in a 12-18 month span, but if you think this is going to zero and we are happily going back to 2008, well, I have a bridge to sell you.

The recent uplift to the HBD mechanism with an evident inspiration in what Do Kwon has achieved is a very smart move (and a bold and courageous one!) and has made Hive a AA title from an A level we had in 2021. I know we have tons of other good projects in the works, incoming and outside doing good, but to attract more people/attention/capital this HBD mechanism is a winner.

I concur however on what I have been saying all along in my posts or replies (this one was actually a reply that got off hands): Hive and Leo Finance are the absolute underdogs in the top 200 market cap projects. Call it lack of powerful marketing, but I think that this obeys more about being a grassroots movement and not a VC seed invested, media-pumped project.

This means that you and me and everyone here are dramatically early. And that while flying low, we can test and put in prod awesome products like Do's UST stablecoin perpetual machine and incorporate it into HBD. When Hive and Leo reach the news (and they will!) People will find a well-greased mechanism, a strong community, and a solid, decentralized project. And this is damn financial advice, lol.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I totally agree. Οnly points and logical reasoning. It does not fit into technology and investment any tribalism. Really great post!

Thanks! It started as a reply to a @taskmaster4450 but then I started rambling too much and decided to turn it a complete post haha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta