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RE: Amazing Robot Breakthrough And Why Web3 Is Crucial

in LeoFinance4 months ago (edited)

"It is evident that these corporations are looking to control the means of production. This is going to remove it from humanity."

I disagree vehemently. It is notorious that LLM's escaped from corporate vaults and are in the wild. BLM's aren't going to be different. Hundreds of thousands of people are using AI they trained themselves, on equipment they own themselves - and outcompeting corporate products. I read of a company last week that has a few Nvidia A100's and is leasing them out to folks for AI training purposes. They will do that for BLM's too.

What this will do is put this kind of AI training in the hands of humanity - corporations will NOT be able to silo it and keep it from makers. Consider how designing a part using blender or other 3D designing software is a pretty high barrier to making things with 3D printers. Then consider how being able to sketch a design casually and explain necessary parameters to a 3D printing AI will enable that whole field to become obsolete, and memorizing how to manipulate cursors to lay out precise 3D dimensions will no longer be necessary. All the decentralized means of production, not just the few I mentioned below, will be susceptible to this advance, and that doesn't cut humanity off from participating in production, it eliminates corporate control of production and puts it in the hands of those with table top production tech they own themselves.

I want very much to see the ability to train 3D printers, aquaponics systems, independent power production systems, and much, much more to make stuff, grow stuff, and maintain stuff, so all that BS makework is handled by our production equipment and we are free to innovate, or just laze around and drink whisky, as we prefer.


Edit: a couple years back a guy released a facial recognition software that compared porn clips to social media profiles, and it is now commonplace for women that have lonelyfans sites to be doxxed to their families. These mechanisms aren't remaining the exclusive property of megacorporations, but escape their silos into the wild where we can use them as we see fit. Whether using facial recognition to spot undercover cops, or agents saboteurs in the Jan. 6 crowd (which would probably have saved Ashli Babbit's life, and kept a lot of guys out of prison), or training a robot arm with a pneumatic ratchet attachment to change your oil every 3000 miles (after it does your dishes), these abilities are going to dramatically advance human felicity, and not only our corporate overlords.

Data isn't secure, and it isn't possible to secure data from haxors. The recent Apple factory backdoor discovery reveals this principle is extremely robust, because the complexity of that hack meant that it took months to even understand all the parts - but independent researchers did discover how Apple had created that backdoor in their chips and even provided registers that were not published as part of the design and only were available to the spooks that used the backdoors to surveil Apple users. India has forced it's population to use retinal scans and fingerprints as part of their digital ID's. Last month hackers acquired that biometric data for ~800M Indian citizens, and now those people can NEVER be secure from their identity being spoofed by hackers, as long as they have the eyes and fingertips they were born with.

They cannot, and will not, keep this technology siloed. It's probably already in the wild as we speak.


I hope you are correct and look forward to what you describe. However, even with the open source move, we see the internet still siloed. And while LLMs are on other machines, arent they still feeding the same source?

Data might not be secure as you mention. However, they can make it difficult to get a hold of. We already saw steps taken to limit scraping of some sites. Will that continue?

It is going to be a race for a while. We will see how things unfold over the next 24-36 months.

"...while LLMs are on other machines, arent they still feeding the same source?"

I must not be understanding your question, because the open source devs running LLM's on laptops are not the corporations running LLM's on supercomputers.

As to BLM escaping into the wild and the access to data preventing the utility of BLMs to open source devs, the example cited illustrates the ubiquity of the availability of the data to devs. It isn't overlords that control making coffee. The data necessary to train AI to tackle tasks necessary to civil society doesn't have any way to be sequestered from the people that generate that data. All the tasks desirable to automate are the laborious work ordinary people do, necessary to keep the wheels on the bus of civilization.

Nothing overlords do is desirable or necessary to automate. Freedom is the cessation of overlords. That used to be inconceivable because industry required pools of capital and coordination of collective labor, which required hierarchical control, and overlords. Automation renders collective labor obsolete, which renders hierarchical control obsolete. Decentralization of the means of production, transforming production tooling into table top tech, renders the pools of capital formerly required to produce goods obsolete, which renders overlords obsolete. That transition to the Space Age is the obsolescence of overlords.

The data overlords depend on for their control of humanity aren't generated by them, but by us. The cameras surveilling us on satellites, spyplanes, telephone poles, and etc., are much more expensive and difficult to site and maintain than the cameras I own, or the cameras the landowner has surveilling the neighborhood. We are the data. Coordinating sharing that data amongst ourselves is vastly less expensive, difficult, or objectionable to us than overlords acquiring that data over our objections.

Centralization cannot compete with decentralization economically. The primary impediment to eliminating overlords is psychological. This is the reason for the massive implementation of indoctrination, censorship, and propaganda, because that is the actual mechanism that overlords depend on for their wealth and power - psychologically preventing us from just doing ourselves what is necessary without being told what to do by overlords. That is so artificial and tenuous that it is really impossible to project forward to a world in which overlords maintain their wealth and power. Natural evolution of every social, industrial, and economic mechanism eliminates unnecessary complexity, and that eliminates obligate parasitic extraction of the wealth and power that neither depends on overlords nor inures to them without frivolous externalities. We neither need them nor benefit from them. They are not only extraneous to production, but detrimental to it.