Revisiting the surfing site.

in Shadow Hunters7 months ago


After months of not doing any reflection hunting at this place due to lack of possible subjects that fits the contest, finally I was able to find some and they are mostly taken at the surface of the mouth of the river.


I was only about to take timelapse
video of the setting sun when the reflection on the water surface caught my attention so I got an idea that I will be doing some reflection hunting as well.


Since the sun is still visible, I still have time to look for subjects as the golden hour is one of the best time for me to take reflection photography.


The view of the setting sun is so captivating as it reflects on the water with its glow being absorbed by the sand.


The twilight sky looks livelier with the presence of the clouds even if it is viewed from the reflection casted in the water along the mouth of the river.


Took this near the beach where surfers and other beachgoers mingle with each other and shown at the photograph is the kiosk for surfers who visits the place as well as locals who are trained to be professional surfing instructors and made this shot very timely as a friend of mine passed by through the stairway going towards the surfing site, she's the oldest lady surfer in our place, she is in her 50s by the way!


As it gets dark, I stayed near the spot where the river flow smoothly towards the sea then took photographs as the surfers passed through it to wash and remove the sand stuck on their skin before going home and to wash the surfboard before returning them to the kiosk.



Then it's time for me to go home also and took a final shot at the surroundings before leaving.


This is my humble contribution for this week's Reflection Hunters Contest #139 hosted by Ma'am @olgavita and I hope you enjoyed reading this composition. Thanks and good day to everyone!🤩♥️🤙