Jiffy and OTF Coach #259 and Day One of All Out Mayhem 2024 - My Actifit Report Card: May 18 2024

in Actifit14 days ago (edited)

Saturday, May 18, 2024 - Mayhem #1 “What’s the Catch” - 3G - 90 minutes

E = Endurance
S = Strength
P = Power


This morning, I participated in an Orangetheory Fitness group workout, which was also Day One of the annual “All Out Mayhem” series. We have to complete 4 out of 7 workouts to finish the challenge. Today was day one. All the workout templates were a 3G style with checkpoints at every station.

There was an additional excitement to today’s event, because Tiffany and I worked out for the 259th Orangetheory Fitness Coach we have worked out for as a couple

We hopped on the rower for 14 minutes of pure rowing. Like CMIYC, we had distance goals to hit at specific checkpoints. At the 2-minute mark, we needed to have rowed 400 meters, at the 4-minute mark, it was 850 meters, and so on. At the 8-minute checkpoint, we had to reach 1300 meters, and the checkpoints became one minute apart. The furthest checkpoint was number 8, requiring 3200 meters. This was very challenging, and only a few people made it through. If caught, it became a rep/row combo of reverse lunges with a front press using a medicine ball and a 200 meter row.

I rowed almost 5000 meters hitting a high of 410 WATTS of power at a high of 22.4 mile per hour rowing speed!!

The floor block was another 14 minutes. We had seven exercise sets to complete with an anchor exercise in between. The goal was to finish all the exercises and anchors by specific checkpoints. For checkpoint 1 at the two-minute mark, we needed to complete 70 jumping jacks and 10 knee tucks (anchors). Checkpoint 2 required completing 60 high plank alternating knee drives and the anchor. We didn't repeat the exercises each time; instead, we ran through all of them in order with the anchor. If caught at any checkpoints, we picked our favorite three exercises and repeated them.

If we completed all the exercises, we repeated them at half reps until it was time for the finisher. The finisher was 30 seconds of our favorite exercise. Most people finished all the exercises by the listed checkpoints, but there was plenty of orange on the floor today.

On the treads, it was like a 14-minute tread for time. We started at 1.5% incline and increased by 0.5% at the 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11-minute marks. At the 12-minute mark, we took it back down to 1% and kept running until 30 seconds before the end, finishing with an all-out sprint for 30 seconds. It was pretty tough this morning, especially seeing the rowers in action while we were running.

I got in an underwhelming 2.18 miles but by the time we hit the treads I was tired as heck 🥵

I burned 1,087 calories, but keep in mind this session was 90 minutes long opposed to the usual 60 minutes we usually do.


Today's Workout Recap

Row Block - 14 Minutes

  • Rowed for time. If caught at a checkpoint, repeated 5 reverse lunges with weighted shoulder presses on each side and a 200-meter row.
  • Checkpoint 1 - 2 minutes: Reached 400 meters
  • Checkpoint 2 - 4 minutes: Reached 850 meters
  • Checkpoint 3 - 6 minutes: Reached 1300 meters
  • Checkpoint 4 - 8 minutes: Reached 1850 meters
  • Checkpoint 5 - 9 minutes: Reached 2200 meters
  • Checkpoint 6 - 10 minutes: Reached 2500 meters
  • Checkpoint 7 - 11 minutes: Reached 2850 meters
  • Checkpoint 8 - 12 minutes: Reached 3200 meters
  • Bonus: Rowed for time
  • Finisher: 30 seconds ALL OUT row

Floor Block - 14 Minutes

  • Exercises:

    • 70 jumping jacks
    • 60 high plank alternating knee drives (feet on bench)
    • 50 alternating step-down squats
    • 40 push-ups (hands on bench)
    • 30 alternating lateral step-overs
    • 20 straight-arm sit-ups
    • 10 box jumps (low bench)
    • Anchor: 10 knee tucks (on bench)
  • Goal: Completed all exercises with the anchor. If caught at a checkpoint, chose favorite 3 exercises and repeated.

    • Checkpoint 1 - 2 minutes:
      • Exercise 1 + anchor
    • Checkpoint 2 - 4 minutes:
      • Exercises 1-2 + anchor
    • Checkpoint 3 - 6 minutes:
      • Exercises 1-3 + anchor
    • Checkpoint 4 - 8 minutes:
      • Exercises 1-4 + anchor
    • Checkpoint 5 - 9 minutes:
      • Exercises 1-5 + anchor
    • Checkpoint 6 - 10 minutes:
      • Exercises 1-6 + anchor
    • Checkpoint 7 - 11 minutes:
      • Exercises 1-7 + anchor
    • Checkpoint 8: Reached bonus round
    • Bonus: Repeated all exercises at half the reps with no knee tucks
    • Finisher:
      • 30 seconds of either jumping jacks, high plank alternating knee drives (feet on bench), alternating step-down squats, push-ups (hands on bench), alternating lateral step-overs, straight-arm sit-ups, or box jumps (low bench)

Tread Block

  • 2 minutes on tread at 1.5%
  • 2 minutes on tread at 2%
  • 2 minutes on tread at 2.5%
  • 2 minutes on tread at 3%
  • 1 minute on tread at 3.5%
  • 1 minute on tread at 4%
  • 1 minute on tread at 4.5%
  • 2.5 minutes on tread at 1%
  • 30 seconds ALL OUT at 1%

90-Minute Add-On (All blocks were 7 minutes)


  • 90 seconds to complete a 250-meter row. Rested when done. Completed 4 rounds, decreasing distance by 50 meters each time. Last minute was ALL OUT.


  • 90 seconds to complete 10 plank jack to plank pop followed by 10 sit-ups with knee tucks. Rested when done. Completed 4 rounds, decreasing reps by 2 each time. Last minute chose either exercise to do for time.


  • 90 seconds on tread at 4%. Completed 4 rounds, decreasing by 1% each time. Last minute was ALL OUT at 1%.





What is the Orangetheory Everest Workout?



What is EPOC?
===> Excess Post-Excercise Oxygen Consumption

Each one of an Orangetheory Fitness workout is designed for us to spend 12 minutes in our own personal Orange Zone. This is when the magic happens. That high intensity work helps to increase our metabolism for up to 24 hours.


We are known as Jiffy or Team Jiffy (Jimmy and Tiffany) in the Orangetheory community.


About Orangetheory Fitness (OTF)




What is a BOSU?


What is a Medicine or Med Ball?

https://www.verywellfit.com/med-bALL OUTl-training-1229699

What are Resistance Bands?


What is a TRX?



I’ve crushed 3000 PLUS Orangetheory Fitness sessions:

I’m up to 3511

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Aerobics,Gym,Weight Lifting,Walking,Treadmill,Running
5.7 lb
170 lb
Body Fat
34 in


Do you still have Wednesday as your off days for gyming?

The majority of the times @rafzat

Wow man you Never give up... This is very impressive... I'm pretty sure you need some good rest after this level of workout bruv.... Congratulations on your improvements man🫡🫡🫡

It’s a lot harder these days after getting really sick in 2021, a car accident in 2023 and others assorted injuries but I never give up on my health and fitness 🤘🏽 Happy Sunday @theringmaster - Thanks

Wow man I'm really really inspired by you, you went through all of that and still moving on... Congratulations soldier 🫡


Here's a !BEER for that 😂😂
