The garden created the beauty of the nature on a rainy day - My Actifit Report Card: May 18 2024

in Actifit15 days ago

Hi my loving Actifiters,

How are you guys? I hope this beautiful weekend is spent well with loved ones. In fact, heavy rain is falling in many parts of Sri Lanka from last Wednesday until today. It should be mentioned that there have been dangerous situations such as floods and landslides as side results. It has become essential that we are prepared for all of them anyway. It is clear that Mother Nature gives us good results as well as bad consequences. It is directly and indirectly affected by human actions. However, it must be said that the wild animals as well as the trees are happy because of the rain.

So this Saturday morning, there was a light rain in the area where I lived, so I went to see our garden with great desire. The last 4 months have been dry weather without rain, so the residents had to work hard to maintain the plants in the garden. Thus, there is no need to exert extra effort when it rains. Gardening is beneficial to us as our body gets exercise. There is also an opportunity to walk around in it.

A kind of mushroom had formed near our well. After careful examination, it was found that they are not suitable for eating. Edible mushrooms are grown on the ground in very small quantities. With the onset of rain, the pomegranate tree in our yard is blooming and fruiting. Mother has covered the small pomegranate seeds with polythene covers to protect them from insects and birds. Pomegranate, which is a fruit that sells for a higher price in the market, can also be relieved by growing it in this way.

It is raining even at the time of writing this content. The sky is dark and heavy with rain clouds, and there is darkness around the area. Usually in any region, once the rain starts, it continues for several days. It is normal.

The plants and vines in our garden have blossomed and the rain water falls on them, adding a sparkling reflection. Being in touch with nature is really a beneficial condition in our life. Words can't describe the peace that the mind feels just by seeing such mind-blowing views. The beauty of these types of flowers can be used to escape from our busy lives and get meditative healing. But urban people hardly have a chance to enjoy such views today. In my opinion, nature can be enjoyed by creating a beautiful and fertile garden.

With my father's illness, it was difficult for my mother to look after the garden work due to her busy schedule. As my father recovered physically, mother planted new cloves, ginger and chilli plants. They are sure to bear fruit in times to come. Maintaining a garden is an easy task for a householder. But having some knowledge is also essential.

@madushanka (2).gif
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gardening, Walking, Yard Work
156 cm
64.7 kg
Body Fat
