Rocky Monochrome Monday

in Photography Lovers6 months ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share some black and white pictures from the trip to the mountains we took a few weeks ago!

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Rocky Monochrome Monday

The flowing and rushing water is certainly a metaphor for this week. We've been afflicted with germs galore in our house! Lol there are flowing liquids coming out of the noses of everyone and it's definitely a challenge. I am on the luckier side in that I didn't get affected as much as my wife and son did but still got it a little bit!

Life is certainly full of challenges and it's how we rise to them and overcome them that makes it important. I will admit that in the past I was a little bit of a bear when being kept up most of the night with sick kids but thankfully these days I seem to have gotten that under better control. The little man has been pretty challenging and I'm lucky that I've gotten a pretty good handle on the situation haha.

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The pictures for this week are ones that I've been meaning to download off the SD card in the camera but for one reason or another didn't get to do it until the other day, half asleep but determined to do some type of work for the blockchain!

I think some of them are incredible looking like this one here! I love how the water almost look like it's vibrating with sound or something, but what is going on is that it's rolling across a very shallow flat bit of concrete. I actually have not seen the water level at this height in a bit so it was interesting to see, normally we would be walking on that platform to get a decent shot upstream.

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Taking the pictures and turning them into black and white is awesome though! I love the sight and appearance of rocky rivers with water flowing all down the place, and how that comes out for the changing of the colors to black and white. It adds a dramatic feel to it for sure! The rolling of the water down here and seeing all of the smooth rocks makes you realize that there are thousands of years of history on these rocks, particularly because this is a natural river although it has been diverted a little bit. This section here has not been moved or anything, whereas in some other areas they adjust the flow of the river to accommodate houses or roads. This one just got a big dike built on the side of it so that it wouldn't overflow down into the housing that is adjacent to it.

Hoping that the flowing of the noses in this house ends quickly hahaha this was a challenging one to do at the last minute! I normally schedule these out at least a day or two so that I can stay ahead but such is life, we roll with the punches.

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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When the images are converted to black and white, their beauty is enhanced and we are very happy to be in a place where we have many learning experiences.

Indeed thanks for stopping by my friend!

Wow amazing shots i love it


You're welcome

The pictures actually is looking awesome. The black and white background actually bring the beauty out of it

Thank you I agree!

The shots are really amazing
They are so beautiful and nice

Life is actually full of challenges and it helps in bringing the best out of us. Great shots 😍

Indeed it is! I know challenges are important for sure although it doesn't always feel like that at the time.

I totally agree. The moment feels tough, but after it's gone, it feels light.

Haha, I hope that the liquid coming out from the noses of your family members is not as fast as that gushing water in the river. 😂😂 I am just kidding mate.
I hope you all get well soon, The flu spreads so quickly and happens in my family so often. : )

Thanks my friend! It's improving but it's been a long week lol. Looking forward to better days!

Hahaha yeah thankfully it doesn’t flow as fast as that water does.. but it feels like it sometimes :D

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