EDSvote update #5 | You want EDS? We want HP delegations. Lets make a deal 🤑

Welcome all to this week's EDSvote update where we look at a range of different things. Please follow the @eddie-earner account to make sure all our reports are going into your feed and you can easily stay updated on your investment.


What is EDSvote?
Eds-vote is an account that people can delegate HIVE POWER to. In return for their delegation, they will receive EDS tokens each Monday.

The delegated HP will be used to curate content on HIVE and provide small upvotes for those that hold over 100 EDS tokens. Delegating HIVE POWER to @eds-vote will not result in an upvote. This is not a delegation to upvote service. It is a way to distribute the remaining reallocated EDS into circulation.

What are EDS tokens?
EDS tokens are HIVE income tokens that are pegged and backed to 1 HIVE each. They pay out weekly dividends every Monday based on 12% of the total powered-up HIVE balance of the @eddie-earner account. This is currently paying out an APY to token holders of roughly 35%.

How does it work?



For full details, please see How EDSvote works and How EDSvote affects the EDS APY long over the next 25 years


Report #5

Finally, i have got this report on the right day at the right time. Its week 5 and its been a few weeks from i have done an update.

We can see below the results with have been getting. Even if the report is not uploaded, it is still done for tracking. The HIVE POWER being delegated in is around the same, curation rewards have been climbing and this week we almost hit the 8% hit target I have.


Let's have a look at the numbers in chart form as this is the best way to see performance and predict the future.


Incoming delegations took a dip a few weeks back, I guess changed their mind but it has recovered to around the same amount. It is still early days for EDSvote but hitting 100k would be an awesome target to hit by year's end.


I decided to change around some changes. I scraped and updates the account auto-voting so that people currently holding over 50 EDS will receive an upvote. These delegating over 1000 HP receive a bigger upvote and the rest is spread out between upvoting comments and manual curation. We have 1000 voting power each day and currently, 60-65% is automated and going toward EDS token holders and delegators. This can change at any time, we're not an upvoting service. It just happens that alot of our top delegators produce good content.


These are inline with the amount of HIVE POWER EDSvote has. We aim to hit around an 8% ROI. Our target based on HP would be 78.42 HP in curation rewards each week. We are a little under but still tweaking VP and finding a sweet spot.


EDSvote minted 37.5 EDS tokens this week. Based on a 180k EDS allocation, we have 92 years' worth of rewards. If we can hit 100k in HP delegation, we will mint twice as many EDS and rewards would last for 46 years. We dont plan to run EDSvote that long but we only live 60-80 years in general but that's ok, theres always a back up plan.


Round Up

The past few weeks have been good. I understand the EDSvote APY is not great so it's really good and confirming to see 50k HP being delegated in. I hope with the addition of giving out upvotes for those that support us, we can gather more HP and grow this beast.

As I said above, we dont want EDSvote to be lasting 90 years so there is a plan B. It will not involve delegating HP and EDSvote will remain the only way to get EDS through HP delegation. There are always other ways to distribute EDS but we're sticking with EDSvote till at last the end of the year before announcing anything else. EDS is a long time project so waiting 6 months is nothing.

We hope to keep getting new HP delegated in so we can earn more from curation, mint more EDS and give out occasional upvotes as the cherry on top. Thank you to everyone involved with EDS and the Saturday Savers club ran by @shanibeer.


Thank you for taking the time to read through this
If you have any questions are would like to leave some feedback, please do so below and I'll get back to you at some point soon.


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( tengolotodo.leo ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

its going as planned, so all good
ill have to delegate more than 1k now haha
i guess if you take into account that you get:
4% on liquid EDS, 1.5 HIVE x EDS (2%), 3% inflation, 1% HIVE on payout from that EDS = 10%

Now delegating is much more interesting. I'll have to reserve some HP for this.

Nice work, just loving seeing the EDS coming in each monday. Will be continuing to add to my delegation each week. And I intend to live for another 90 years - so thats great too !!!

I'm so good at sleeping
I can do it with my eyes closed.

Credit: reddit
@eddie-earner, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @hoosie

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

And I intend to live for another 90 years - so thats great too !!!

Positive thinking maxi! Gotta love that!!!

I know the whole upvoting service is a touchy subject but for those of us smaller accounts it is a nice bonus. I do delegate from my main and this .leo account is finally starting to grow now that LeoFinance is actually looking at what they curate.
So I shall be delegating from this account too, but I am EDS less on this one, but I am all for EDS and the whole SPI family now!