Is RUNE Ready to Run Again?

The price of RUNE pushed through the 6.25 area resistance a day ago after failing to break the level a week ago.

That price level has seen alot of action in the past and has been a place we have seen rallies really take off from. After RUNE gave back all the gains from its March run it will be interesting to see where price goes from here.

Come on moon baby!

Thorchain has many things going for it and it is a reason alot of people have been excited about the RUNE token for some time. I suggest diving into that research if the coin interests you, but for this post I will stay focused on the charts.

The chart above is a daily chart and based on the price action the next potential upside is that consolidation off to the left at the $8 level. From there things get interesting as price could get up into the 9s.

None of this matters though if price does not continue to hold above $6 and 6.25 preferably.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Rune is soon gonna shine. We await it's arrival

Thanks for your regular summary of it's progress @scaredycatguide