Recent museum I did, American Museum of Natural History

in #marchinleo3 months ago

I haven't been to a museum yet this year, but I went to the Natural History Museum in NYC last December. It was my first time there and I didn't allow enough time to do it all, It is pretty big museum. Choices had to be done and dinosaures were on top of the list.

I did book a time to go, I think it was around 2pm, got in a bit late but there was still a big queue. In total I probably spent around 3 hours inside.

Here you can see a flying bird that got enough being there for too long so it just went for the exit :)

Before heading out I went back to the ground floor (i believe) where the pretty rocks are.

And here a little thank you to the people that contributed to the creation of the museum and thanks to all the staff working there.

Anyway this was my (quick) post for the first day of the March inleo challenge, you can join the writing challenge on Inleo here:

I really like those kind of initiative, I believe it will help creating a dynamic core community around here, and thanks for the previous months challenge, from what I understood I won an extra month to my Inleo Premium subscription.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This museum kind of resembles his "cousin" The Natural History Museum in London ! I went there when I was a high school student to a visit that my English teacher organised in the 11 grade, back in 1994... OMG!!!
I kind of miss museums like this ones... All things are so impressive and so original, that even knowing that they naturally existed in planet Earth, it looks so irreal!!!

Yeah it is hard to image them running around the neighborhood even when they did. Thanks for sharing the link, I will consider visiting the next time I go to London.

Choices had to be done and dinosaures were on top of the list.


Lovely work of bones there...

The bird seems absolutely starved 😂😂😂😀

I guess they didn't feed him for a while :)

Mammoth (or whatever that tusked creature is) is almost as big as a dinosaur! I thought Dinosaurs were supposed to be stupid huge?

Well there are a lot of different size of dinosaurs so I don't think the ones in the pictures are the biggest one.

What an unfortunate placement of the exit sign. Should be free for photos and admiring the ancient bird 🤣 But I guess people need to know where the exit is too.

Nice post, thanks for participating and sharing. And yes! you won a premium subscription! Once the current one expires.

Hello, my premium just ended, I was wondering how to get the one I won in the contest last month ? I am guessing you have to do it manually. Thanks again for the prize.


Sorry for the wait. We are sure we are gonna delivery the premium subscriptions, but we don't have a date because several things require attention as well. I would recommend if you don't wanna wait too long, to get your own this month and we have a list with all the winners to give the subscription once the one they have active when we are doing the payments has expired.

Great thank you for replying.