Balloon Distraction Didn't Have the Intended Panic Effect.. Time to Shoot Down UFOs! (What in the Absolute Fuck?)

in #newslast year

( A screencap from the clowns shoes leader of Canada Turdeau's Twitter )

Anyone else noticing a pattern in the news lately? Sure as shit seems they are trying to cause a panic in the population with all of these balloons and shit. Now they have switched the narrative to say that US / Canada have shot down a "UFO" over the Yukon.

Jesus fucking christ.. I'm almost certain the wording on this media coverage is 100% engineered to cause as much panic and fear as possible. The Propaganda we're being swamped with lately is undeniably evil.. Whatever the folks in the governments are planning isn't in our best interest and probably hasn't been for a long time.

We're at the precipice of these sociopathic fucks trying to coerce us all into a new world order under the guise of security.. When in reality all of this stuff is manufactured crisis in order to stomp on the freedom of the citizens of this planet. Those who run the countries aren't our friends, these people are actively trying to murder us with bioweapons, mRNA gene therapy and keep us terrified with media coverage of shit intended to suppress us.

Calling it right now, there will be more of this asshattery and whatnot on the horizon. Regardless of if you believe it or not we're already in world war III.. And it's a global war against the population. When you see the trajectory of the past few years it's impossible to deny that folks with absolutely zero want to allow people to live their lives are actively meddling with public perception.

UFO doesn't mean extraterrestrial.. But they want us to think that. It wasn't long ago an American president was recorded saying things / foreshadowing the next psyop we're likely to see..

The world is headed into the end of the age of abundance and into the age of crushing over-reach. They don't want us or the next generations to have freedom or autonomy.. They want us enslaved, controlled or killed.. And frankly with things headed the way they are going we're lined up to have that happen. The narrative is fake and fucked, the government is fucking psychotic and those with the ability to destroy the future prospects of humanity are actively moving to make that our reality.

Why do we as citizens of this planet put up with this shit? With no single point of failure to take this completely corrupt world governance model down I don't know the best way top combat this. I don't think violence is the answer here, the species needs to realize that what masquerades as those we elect to represent us and those who are unelected sitting in positions of power are not looking out for anyone's best interest but their own. Lord save us all from the hell on earth that we've been thrust into. Regardless of color, creed or beliefs we need to start banding together and opposing the quite frankly psychopathic agenda that everyone has been subject to, perpetrated by governments of all types. The future is fucked if we don't act and create action against this shit.. Do Not Comply.


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I've got an idea.

Don't share it if it would put you on a list.. XD

I know, it's very dangerous.

Balloons/Bubbles to distract us from the real balloons/bubbles


Our whole civilization is a bubble at this point. :/

I agree, these stories are a weird distraction. All their other fuck ups were getting too much attention

That is what I feel too..

Any focus on the issues at hand are quickly dissolved by distraction techniques.

Shit is straight out the CIA handbook. :(

Great rant, you feel my feels! Non compliance and being the change I wish to see is my strategy. As well as connecting with everyone in my community so we have a network when shit really really hits the fan.

Good outlook. Not trying to cast doom more than the main stream media.. But from my vantage point it feels they are trying to converge to doom.

Strengthen your network, horde supplies and be prepared is a hell of a strategy, perhaps the only viable one.

So, basically I think you agree that if they can travel light years in a reasonable amount of time with their technology, they probably should be able to maneuver a 20th century technology weapon like a missile. Yeah, that sounds right. It is definitely an Earth ship, or some kind of hologram.


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The world is headed into the end of the age of abundance and into the age of crushing over-reach.

You have it backwards.

I hope you are correct.


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They are trying way too hard building a narrative for their next war in 2025.

But, the premise is so absurd many are not biting.

That is to our advantage..

But yeah, saber rattling is fierce these days.

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