A very interesting chart from PlanB

in #pimp27 days ago


I was on twitter and I found a very interesting chart. It has been posted by Plan B, one of the best crypto twitter OGs in my opinion. I like a lot their Bitcoin interviews and their analysis, specially the Stock-to-Flow article.

The chart I will be sharing with you is not very common. It is the Bitcoin miner revenue calculated using the following formula: Total number blocks in a certain month x subsidy x price (without fees).


What can we see in the chart?

Bitcoin miner revenue halves after halvings, and bounces back in 2-5 months (because BTC prices doubles!):
-2012: revenue drops $3m->$1.5m, back in 2 months
-2016: drop $60m->$30m, back in 4 months
-2020: drop $500m->$250m, back in 5 months

This has been the 4th halving and we can see a pattern if we take a look at what happens to the miner revenue after halvings. As the subsidy is reduced by 50% the Bitcoin revenue for the miners gets automatically reduced by 50%.

But the interesting part is that it bounces back really quick in some months! And the only way it has to bounce back in the coming months is that the price have to double. If the price doubles the miners will be able to keep earning the same they were earning before the halving.

It looks like its programmed! It's lovely see the history rhyme, I'm quite confident that we will follow a similar pattern this cycle. I can't wait for the price to hit $100,000!

Hopefully you learned something new today. Follow him!
Have a great day!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think 100k by the end of the year, 150k by the end of April or May 2025..

That sounds very good to me.
I think we will get these predictions