Covering Patients with Plastic?

in #plasticpatients3 years ago (edited)

I thought this was some fake news bullshit. Honestly, how could it be true that a hospital would be covering people's heads down to their chest or stomach with essentially a plastic bag?

It seems so unreal that anyone would actually do this in the hospital. May be the bureaucratic administration following the giving out top-down orders would do it, but that still doesn't make sense, but how the hell could someone who's trying to help people actually follow through on that order and live with themselves?

But sure enough, this actually is happening at least in one place in Texas. A facebook post says:

This 17 year old young lady went to the emergency room in Odessa, COVID positive, because she couldn’t breath. She was humiliated and dehumanized by the staff. Aside from the warning on the bag not to place this over your head, as it could cause suffocation, this is just wrong. The bag is labeled equipment cover and has your typical warning on it. The girls mother said she complained of not being able to breath well, taking off the mask, and was asked to put it back on. The bag was over her head for roughly 30 minutes and she was instructed to save the bag for future use throughout the hospital.

This is the picture they posted with the text:


You might think that that doesn't prove anything. Maybe this was a stunt. You might say, "well anyone can just put a plastic bag over their head and take a picture of it and blame the hospital."


While this is a picture of a hospital employee demonstrating their new policy with a smile. This is called a "transportation draft" that they require patients to wear to be transported to and from their rooms.

There you have it. This is not fake news. I wonder how long until a fact checker tries to claim this is not true by claiming some ridiculous thing like this is not a plastic bag: it's a transportation draft.


And again a calorically challenged person having troubles coping with this virus.
Do you know any person in this age group sick on Covid-19, not having an underlying disease or being obese?

There have been thinner people as well who have similar issues, whether or not it's SARS-CoV-2 or some other issue as the cause ;) Most of the serious issues they attribute to this alleged virus are for people who have underlying health issues, with about only 6% in US and 3% in Italy for example who allegedly died with SARS-CoV-2 and no underlying health issues.