beautiful women can cause heart attacks

in #satire2 years ago

Recently Paul Joseph Watson put out a request for memes and news stories about all the new funny stuff reported this year that can cause heart attacks. You know, stuff like gardening, shaking the duvet, climate change. There are even some more eccentric ones like mopping the floor. . Even Energy bills going up, .

So anyways, assuming he even uses telegram personally, I did my own digging and made some suggestions for him-as well as other people.

Hidden on google was this gem, as if you couldn't tell from the title or the image preview, "Beautiful women are bad for men's health, Study finds". Yes, Beautiful women can give men heart attacks. Hmm, can we lock beautiful women up as prisoners in our acoustic dungeons for the offense of attempted murder to keep society safe. This lock em up comment is in humor, of course. But could a woman be locked up for attempted murder for being to beautiful? Women have reported lost their jobs for that. , . The news article of focus is real from a Canadian news agency and, no, it wasn't issued on April 1rst.

The article goes on, but that was a good place to finish the crop-and using too much text could invoke a copyright issue.

I don't see that any other media outlet ran with the story, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was linked to the body positivity movement; Healthy at any size, even morbidly obese, maybe they want to sell xiaflex as men break their uh...let's keep this pg or pg-13. Maybe the want men to date a tranny.

Well anyways, if you have a date with a beautiful women and get too um, excited, and think you should take a cold shower. Don't. Cause that can cause a heart attack too.

For all of you who got vaxxed, I'd say keep worrying about what next can give you a heart attack. But, uh, anxiety can cause heart attacks too. So don't worry, be happy. Well, being happy can cause heart attacks too. . Well you vaxxed people are up you know what creek without a paddle.

So anyways, "All your babe[s] are belongs to us [purebloods]", or something.


I hate when there's some beautiful woman and then all of a sudden heart attack. We have to protect men, it's not safe for them to walk the streets with all of these dangerous women out there just waiting to heart attack them.