Traveling to Asia during Q4 2024

in #travel23 days ago

This year is setting itself up as a travel year, after the announcement of hivefest 2024 in croatia which I am pretty confident I will attend. I spent the part of the day looking at my options for my upcoming Asian trip. it looks like I will stay in Europe until mid October and then fly off to asia for a 3 months trip.

I have selected 3 primary locations for the start of the trip and possible extension to other countries as well.

(created an artificial image with DALL-E, I really love those AI tools)

Indonesia - Jakarta and Bali

This will most likely be my entry point into this Asian tour and I plan to stay nearly a month in the country with highlight in Bali and its stunning beaches where I plan to relax for a bit. I am very interest in temples and spirituality so I probably will be doing some sightseeing.

From what I researched, Bali is a really popular destination and a lot of foreign capital went into buying and renting villas over there, I don't enjoy countries where is has become mass tourism so I thought maybe I have a chance to go there before the start a the nice season and experience the island and culture before too many people come.

I am really looking forward to the food as well and try some of the specialties.

If any of you have some suggestion in term of restaurants or sites to visit I am open to suggestions.


I saw Singapore only through its international airport where I stayed a few hours on multiple trips. Amazing airport but I know want to take the opportunity to spend a few days, maybe a week to discover this city that managed to grow into a well respected financial hub for Asia in a relative short time frame.

This will be the time to discover more, I really want to got to the Garden by the bay and on top of the Marina Bay sand building. I will be there near the end of November which might not be the best season due to the monsoon but it is a convenient spot for me before reach my next destination of Malaysia which I will reach by land. Either by train or bus, I have a few possibility here depending on where I will go to in Malaysia.


Malaysia will be one of the focus of the trip and I entend to visit a lot of the country by land doing slow travel and taking the time to visit and eat local cuisine. I would definitely go to Georgetown as it is a UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Site and has a good reputation for street food.

Borneo isn't out of the list either as it is one of the largest islands on earth and is shared by multiple countries.

Possible extension to Thailand via boat

My return ticket will probably be from Malaysia but I can always come back to the airport before flying back elsewhere.

I don't want to plan all my trip know and leave some space for unplanned events so I will only book my trip up to Malaysia which will be the bulk of the trip but I have evaluated the option of extending to Daily by taking a boat from Langkawi to Koh Lipe and some other islands before reaching Phuket, possibly extending to Bangkok and why not Cambodia as well.

Are you traveling right now? Maybe your are planning a trip?

Feel free to share.

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