Vacation Ahead

in #vacationplanning3 months ago (edited)

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to appreciate being able to plan and look forward to a vacation!


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Vacation Ahead

This winter was a really challenging one. The weather overall really wasn't too bad! That is certainly something to be thankful for. We were able to get a few snow storms, one of them the biggest of the year and gave us quite a bit of nice snowfall. The snow didn't last though, but one of the things that lingered quite a bit was the sickness in the house!

When you are dealing with a wintertime of consistently sick family members, it definitely wears on you! It's okay to get sick once or twice in a winter but when the poor kid of the family is getting sick every other week and constantly taking this medicine or that, it really starts to wear down on your mental faculties let me tell you! We had the most sickness in the house basically ever, and we are definitely over that shit lol.


What helps when you are getting rid of that is looking forward to spending time in a warmer atmosphere. We are very fortunate where we live on so many levels, but sometimes you just need an escape! So an escape is what we are planning. We've got a few changes going on, but one of those changes that happens to allow us some freedom is being able to educate anywhere we want instead of confined to a classroom.

It's not easy doing home-schooling, and we've certainly learned that the hard way but throughout the journey one of the biggest benefits we've come to appreciate on that front us that it gives us the freedom to do things on our own schedule. That freedom can be challenging for sure, because it also requires discipline to get the work done. Being able to take the whole family up and go to another state many miles away, in search of beautiful warm weather though, makes those challenges completely worth it!


Combine that with my ability to work remotely as long as I'm in the country, and we are in a pretty good spot. I am very appreciative and fortunate to have the job and skills that I do, because I know that it's not always going to be the case where I can take my work completely remote. I hope to never be back in a formal office setting again on a permanent basis but I'm also not delusional in thinking that the right circumstance may not arise, or the opportunity forces itself upon me and I won't be working remotely any longer.

Until those days though, one of the things that we are going to make sure that we do is take a step back and appreciate these times as much as we can. It's crucial for our mental stability to be able to take some time to ourselves, go to a destination that we enjoy and spend time as a family in a more pleasant environment to take the loaded stress of the wintertime and sickness off the shoulders. Feeling the warm sun on our faces is going to for sure be a sigh of relief!

Only a few more weeks to go...

What about you? Do you look forward to a trip like this after dealing with a considerable amount of stress and issues? Let me know in the comments!


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All these photos are beautiful, but the first and last one have so much WOW !

Thanks! Yeah I have taken some pretty cool pictures over the years. Some of them are completely lucky which is cool!

I’m sure you will have an amazing vacation. I also usually look up to a time where my family or man and I will have this kind of vacation
It will be a lovely one

Thanks, yeah I am looking forward to the vacation for sure. Hopefully you get to take one soon!

oh vacation is cool!
we're going to visit another city of Crimea as well
the main is to save as much money as possible:))

That's good, it's important to go on a vacation and it doesn't require traveling thousands of kilometers. You can just go a few towns away and it will be nice!

These are really amazing photos that are beautiful to really admire

Thanks, I've enjoyed looking at my old photos for ones to add to a post!

I have missed going out on vacation and the truth is I will really love to visit someday

Yeah vacations are important! I hope you get to take one soon!

I hope you and your family will have a wonderful vacation my friend, and certainly tons of spring photos. : )
You guys really needed that after the winter and the sick days, I understand the struggle. : )

Thanks man I appreciate it! It's indeed something we need and are looking forward to. It's been one of the hardest winters in a long time lol thankfully the weather wasn't insane. Thanks for stopping by my friend!

Wow! It’s seems like a fairytale!

Thanks, the pictures I get to take are fun for sure, I get really lucky to find some of the spots! Appreciate you stopping by.

I'm sorry to hear of so much illness this Winter, but happy all of you are on the mend.

Where will you be going on your holiday?

I have to say, as someone who was homeschooled, I really feel it is one of the best forms of early education. I was lucky in it as it did, indeed, allow me to go on longer trips with family and make all of that part of my learning. The skills of self-discipline and self-study gave me such an advantage to my fellow University students when I first became a student there. Many were lost without the daily "do this now " by the teacher; good on you for home schooling.