Wintertime Beach Bliss

in #wednesdaywalk4 months ago

Hi fellow Walkers,

Today I wanted to share a few photos from the recent beautiful beach day we had!


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Wintertime Beach Bliss

We've had some unique weather this winter, where we had mild weather, bitter cold weather and then some pretty warm weather. It's been a trip that's for sure haha. A few days ago, we got a really nice break in the weather and it got all the way up to 60 degrees! It was amazing! What do you do when it gets that warm?! Go to the beach that's what!

I do enjoy the random bouts of beautifully warm weather in the seasons that we live in. The wintertime is great for sure, it's got a lot of benefits in it's own right but there is something joyous about having a really warm day in the middle of all that cold shit haha. Right now I'm writing this and it's in the low 20 degrees Fahrenheit but the other day it was 60! It was incredibly refreshing, and also nice to get some vitamin D and sunlight!


The fam all decided that with the beautiful warm weather, the best thing that we can do is head to the beach! We hopped in the car and immediately headed that way, knowing that it would only get warmer. I think that's one of the most exciting parts about it haha knowing that as the day goes on, it will improve and you'll be able to relax a bit more when you are walking around and the sun is just warming you up.

What was really cool is that we got there right at high tide! In a lot of ways that can be annoying but we found a spot along the beaches that we have in the area that has really high sand dunes so you are able to get access to the sand itself even if it's high tide. We were walking up and down the stretch of beach for a while but the waves were amazing! Those things were freaking huge!


This was one of those times where you REALLY wished that you brought the DSLR camera. Thankfully I did bring my work phone which is a newer model than my personal one, so I was able to snap some really beautiful photos along the way. I loved listening to the gigantic waves crash against the sand and just cause a ruckus. It's a little hard to appreciate just how big the waves are looking at the pictures here, but you can get a rough idea. The actual bottom part of the sand was about a foot or two below where I was standing so it was that much taller per wave. One of my favorite things for sure is sitting on the beach listening to those waves just crash along!


What was really interesting, and I'm not sure if I noticed it before, was how much foam there was haha. When those gigantic waves were crashing, they were bringing up so much foam! I almost felt like it was as if someone spilled a gigantic bottle of soap off shore and we were getting the end result. I wonder what the cause of that is, hopefully it's not an issue where we've got a lot of chemicals or surfactants in the water that would be obnoxious.

The water was also a really nice and crisp blue! Not so turquoise like the water is in the warmer climates but it was still a beautiful color. I think I appreciate the various colors of the water more as I notice them, they seem to be unique to the areas. Some of them are a little dreary and depressing while others are quite fascinating. This one here was one that was fascinating for sure!


While I had definitely enjoyed the beach, I was having a hard time unwinding from the crazy work week that I had! I was on high stress mode so I was sadly a little cranky which was not good for the day. I know that we try to go into each of these days and situations as best we can, but sometimes we fall short and I feel bad thinking back on just being a little bit of a pain in the ass.

I know that I'm going to for sure try to be much more aware of that type of thing, because nobody likes to have a beautiful batch of warm weather in the middle of winter, but have to deal with a large human crab when the ocean ones aren't even around! Lol


What do you do when you get a batch of nice weather? Do you make sure to go out on a local trip or adventure with the family? Let me know!

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These are really amazing pictures view I must truly confess. They are looking so Great

Thanks, I enjoyed taking them for sure!

The views are great and I can imagine how it will be cold over there
I love the view
Nice one!

Haha yeah it was a little chilly but it was a great time! The weather was warm when you're used to 20 degree temperatures!

These are really beautiful pictures view worthy to admire 😍

Thanks I think so!

sure looks like a nice day to be at the beach, we had one day that hit 5o but no 60's yet but hopefdulyl soon they will come I am done with winter

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

Haha yeah it's fluctuated with cold and mild, but in a few short weeks it's March and spring is around the corner!

Visiting such places always relieves one's tiredness and anxiety by seeing these natural things and water especially when one goes with friends and family.

Yeah that's for sure my wife enjoyed it!

oh I like such foamy sea so much! But only being on the beach:))
so bright colours for winter time! We've so deep blue water of the sea only in the summer, not it's closer to grey-green one

Yeah the wintertime ocean color can certainly be one of the dull ones but this one was great! I think it was the bright sunshine haha.

I love the foam on the beach but yes for sure only on the ocean. Elsewhere it's a little suspicious it's chemicals lol

Looks gorgeous, where is that beach? Looks like a decent little surf spot!

It's in America!

Wonderful day to head to the beach, indeed!

It's funny how your warm patch on a winter season is already the peak of our "winter" here in the UAE. as they say, there's really no cold weather here, but just very hot, hot, and less hot. 😅

Human crabs! Oh, I hate thoses pests. 🤭

Haha yes that's why that area of the world is incredibly dry, too much heat for my taste!

The damn human crabs lol gotta keep them at bay!

The color of the beach sand looks so nice.
I don't think I want to visit the beach during winter time, too cold. Went to a beach during spring back when I was still in Japan, but can't stand the coldness. hahaha

Yeah it was cold there for sure but it's been so cold in general that it was good to feel the 60 degrees and fresh air! I did put my feet in the water and my foot was numb and throbbing it was so cold lol

Love the beach, the clean sand and clear water. I'm mostly at the beach during summertime. Wintertime is fairly consistent over here, won't risk getting to the beach and realizing that the sunny weather won't last for a day :)

Yeah we much prefer the beach in the summer as well but we needed to get some sun thanks to the warmer weather we had

Cool angles along the shoreline brother. We love the sea, how can we not.