Delicious Homemade Chicken Burger🍔🍔

in #food8 months ago






Last night with the help of one of my roommate who was headchef back in his life, we made a delicious chicken burger. We used ingredients like burger buns, chicken breast, burger sauce and pickled gherkins(store-brought), lettuce, sliced cheese, onion and tomatoes. We prepared by first heating the chicken breast seasoned with salt, pepper, meat spices in a pan over a medium heat adding little bit of oil. In another pan, by adding a little bit of butter we toasted a burger buns turning it into brown and slightly crispy.

By taking a burger bun, we spread some burger sauce and mayonnaise and then added chicken. On top of it we added some lettuce, onion, tomatoes and cheese. We also added a few slices of pickled gherkins for the perfect balance of tanginess and crunch. And then finally closing off the burger with the top half of the bun. We also cooked the chips in the air-fryer to make sure we weren't eating too much oily food and for satisfying combo for the burger.

The bbq skewer used were used just for the decorational purposes🤣.


This is better than buying outside. Cheaper and safer!

Yes but involves a lot of hard work to prepare and clean the mess afterwards🤣

Thanks for stopping by