PEPT Signups since account creation on Hive

in Project ePay Traffic5 months ago

While reviewing some feeds , I got thinking as a business owner and decided to review the new member signups on Project ePayTraffic

The chart covers from March 2022 to November this year. The spike is when I joined Hive and introduced my manual traffic exchange site.


So far this month, I have 12 new signups. Some of you may have noticed my progress here on Hive. Man, what a steep learning curve. One can get depressed if not already well conditioned. #lol

That's it for this #PEPTMicroBlog

If you comment on this blog you will be sent some #TooFuckeh tokens. You will need to hold a minimum of one(1) #PEPTide or more to receive tokens from our #PEPT Banker account. In fact, you will receive 1,000 times the number of PEPTide you hold. If you hold 10 PEPTide you get 10,000 TooFuckeh tokens. Want more #TooFuckeh or #PEPTide tokens, you can pick some up from the open market. Doing so means I use the proceeds to build wealth on Hive. Want in without blogging? Pickup some #PEPT tokens, hold it while monitoring our experiment and sell later for some capital gain.


Congratulations on your 12 new registrations!
It's great to see your progress and how you're growing on this platform!


You just received 0.05 COFFEE! Good coffee my friend

number of commands left: 0

If you also want to send COFFEE buy them here on hive-engine



@pept mined HBIT. ⛏️ (1/1) tools | trade

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

Congrats on the new signups. I've only got one for November Username: fodunrin.
Hope to continue and get more. Am I correct we back to mining !HBIT
#Luv the positive energy.

Yes the HBIT tip is working again but not the BLAQ bonus part.
And you have to use caps.
I am not going to do the POC events.

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You received more than 200 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 300 upvotes.

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Some of you may have noticed my progress here on Hive. Man, what a steep learning curve.

Especially when you have to keep stopping to help us stragglers!

At first sight (i.e. without really checking the numbers), it looks like your post-Hive average is around 2x pre-Hive. Impressive!