[ENG-ESP] Trying out make-up products I bought.

in MakeUp Powerlast month (edited)

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Hey amigos de Makeup Power.

En esta oportunida les comparto una review de maquillaje que compre, estos productos los compre en una tienda llamada @Mariferstore.ve se que se ubica en Caracas, espero que les guste mucho, si les gusta este tipo de contenido no olviden darle amor y dejarme un comentario pidiendo mas videos asi, nos vemos en la proxima se les quiere mucho.

Gracias por todo, nos estamos viendo en la proxima.

Hey friends of Makeup Power.

In this oportunida I share with you a makeup review that I bought, I bought these products in a shop called @Mariferstore.ve is located in Caracas, I hope you like it a lot, if you like this kind of content do not forget to give love and leave me a comment asking for more videos like this, see you in the next one you love them very much.

Thanks for everything, see you next time.

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