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RE: Hablemos sobre Marketing dentro y fuera de Hive | Aliento Cast 16

in Aliento2 months ago

Greetings @aliento

I'm a Digital Marketer, and I often find that I've worked more on games and small-scale projects. That is, I've never been very involved in a Blockchain community or similar like Medium and Minds. However I understand what you're trying to get across with this video, you're doing an amazing job with your videos about everything at Hive, I appreciate it even more because I understand it better than English Haha. Spanish is similar to Portuguese.

But I believe that the majority teach in the "wrong" way, and create illusory marketing about Hive. It's not enough to create any post and wait for your reward, you need to be engaged and aware of the other people and events within the ecosystem. I believe that more than 10% of the authors who create content every day are barely aware that there is Vibes Week going on, or some important contract updates with (which I highly recommend looking into).


That's the beauty of Hive. There are many initiatives, and anyone can participate in what they like the most. I don't sing, but I know that there is are several music initiatives, not only vibes. I curate some of them. Also, VSC is a great project. I'm not directly involved, but one of my co-workers from 3Speak and SPK Network is.

Hive is here to stay. We may not be as popular right now, and we may not reach everyone in Web3 with the blogging side, but many things can be built in this ecosystem, and there will be many ways for people to be involved in this blockchain.

Thank you for commenting.