Freedom of speech does not guarantee your freedom after speech.

in Hive Naija28 days ago

Hello, everyone.

Some people feel freedom of speech is an opportunity for them to say whatever comes to mind without even thinking about what the end result might be after those words have been said. If you visit public places and hear the types of insults coming out of people's mouths, and when people try to calm them down, the next thing you'll hear is "Let me talk; it is my right." At this point, those trying to calm you down might just let the person continue to rant until they no longer can. The truth is, the right to freedom of speech does not guarantee your freedom after the speech must have been made. That is to say, the right to freedom of speech does not mean we have to say everything. Sometimes people say a lot of things, and those things land them in trouble, and the freedom they think they have is taken away.

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I am not trying to be partial or deny anyone their right; we all have the right to freedom of speech, but the world would have been a better place if some people didn't have any right to freedom of speech. They use it as an avenue for insults as we as defamation of character. Just because we have freedom of speech does not mean we should spread rumors or unverified news. Some people have made it a habit to always use their right to freedom of speech wrongly. Have you ever heard a news about yourself and been left wondering when such an event ever took place in your life? It is people misusing their right to freedom of speech again; it has become normal and no one is trying to fight against it, and with the continuous evolution of technology, it is getting even more difficult to fight and arrest the situation.

Everyone is free to express themselves; no one should stop people from expressing themselves because that would be considered a violation of human rights. Everyone should be allowed to express how they feel about what is going on around them and in their country. If they feel those in power are oppressing them, they have the right to speak up, even though we all know the government will pay little or no attention to whatever they have to say, but at least they were allowed to enjoy their right to freedom of speech. It is a free world, and everyone is expected to be expressive. As we have moved past the era of the slave trade, don't hold back; speak up. The only thing one should have in mind while speaking up is that "words once said cannot be unsaid." This is another reason we need to be extra careful while we try to enjoy our right to freedom of speech.

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Social media has compromised freedom of speech and what it stands for. In the name of freedom of speech, cyberbullying has become the order of the day. You bully people online, and when questioned, you hide under the umbrella of exercising your right to freedom of speech. A lot of people are into cyberbullying without even knowing it. Social media gives room for someone who cannot even fend for themselves to insult someone, who carries the responsibility of an entire family. Social media has made it look like once we have access to it, we are all mates, and there is no room for respect or treating the elders on the space differently. Just warriors behind keyboards who don't care who is on the other side of the keyboard.

Sometimes I feel social media is not even a safe space. I was scrolling through Facebook and a page I don't follow suddenly popped up on my screen. A friend's dad made a comment and shared his opinion on a topic about how chores should be shared between couples only for girls his third child's age to come attacking him and showering lots of insults on him. The respect for elders we used to have in our community is no more; social media makes it look like we are all mates in the space.

Thanks for reading my post.

This is my entry for day 3 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.

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When people talk about freedom of speech what first comes into my mind is silent of the unknown man behind the scenes. Do will have freedom of speech? Even as man would say that I'm concientized to speak. They do not have any speech at all. Freedom of speech does mean one who talks but one who Act responsible. Talking does give the right of freedom of speech but Acting right is what guarantees the freedom of speech.