Memories by the Sea - An Afternoon of Joy at Coming Home Cafe

in CCH16 days ago

Blue Grey Minimalist Birthday Photo Collage.png

Hello everyone

At noon, with the sun hanging high in the sky, I decided to treat my niece to a special outing by taking her to a quaint cafe nestled along the shores of Rawai Beach. This particular cafe held a special place in our hearts, as it was a favorite haunt for my family and me. Known as the "Coming Home Cafe & Seascape," its allure lay not only in its delicious offerings but also in its serene ambiance.

As we approached, my niece's eyes widened in wonder at the sight before her. The cafe, with its minimalist design adorned in soothing white and brown tones, stood in perfect harmony with its seaside surroundings. The gentle murmur of the waves served as a soothing soundtrack to our visit, further enhancing the tranquility of the atmosphere.


Upon entering the "Coming Home Cafe & Seascape," my niece and I were greeted by the inviting ambiance of the interior. The first zone we encountered was the air-conditioned room, its minimalist design immediately catching our eyes. A round window offered a picturesque view of the sea, adding to the serene atmosphere. At the center of the room stood the food ordering counter, where eager patrons queued up to place their orders.

After selecting our treats—a delectable array of pastries and refreshing drinks—I couldn't resist capturing the beauty of the cafe's interior on camera. The clean lines and tranquil setting made for the perfect backdrop for a few snapshots to commemorate our visit.





As we prepared to venture outside, we were presented with a choice between two distinct zones. The first option was a sheltered area with a thatched roof, providing protection from both the sun's rays and any unexpected rain showers. The second option was an open-air space adorned with low Japanese tables, inviting guests to sit on the floor and immerse themselves in the breathtaking vista of the sea.




Without hesitation, my niece and I opted for the open-air zone, eager to fully embrace the coastal ambiance. Finding a comfortable spot on the floor, we settled in, our senses heightened by the salty breeze and the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore.





As we settled into our chosen spot in the open-air zone, anticipation mounted as we waited for our orders to arrive. Not long after, a waiter appeared, balancing a tray with our drinks and a tantalizing plate of honey toast. My matcha latte served with precision, exuded a rich, creamy aroma that hinted at its exquisite flavor.

Taking the first sip, I was transported to a realm of culinary delight. The smoothness of the matcha combined with the frothy milk created a symphony of flavors that danced on my taste buds. It was, without a doubt, the smoothest matcha latte I had ever tasted.


As if on cue, the waiter set down the centerpiece of our feast: a generously sized plate of honey toast. Adorned with golden drizzles of honey and a generous dollop of whipped cream, it looked almost too beautiful to eat.

But the temptation was too great to resist. With eager anticipation, my niece and I took our first bite, and instantly, our taste buds erupted in ecstasy. The bread, perfectly toasted to golden perfection, provided the ideal canvas for the sweet and sticky honey, while the creamy whipped cream added a delightful contrast in texture.



With each subsequent bite, we were met with an explosion of flavor that left us utterly speechless. This, without a doubt, was the most delicious honey toast I had ever encountered.

As we savored every last morsel, I couldn't help but marvel at the culinary mastery that had gone into crafting such a delectable dish. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the sea and the warmth of my niece's laughter, I realized that it was experiences like these—simple yet profound—that made life truly worth living.


As we sipped our drinks and honey toast on our treats, we lost ourselves in the mesmerizing beauty of our surroundings. With each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that we had chosen the perfect spot to while away the afternoon, lost in conversation and entranced by the ever-changing tableau of the sea.

In that moment, surrounded by the simple pleasures of good food, good company, and the majesty of nature, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. As the afternoon sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sea, I knew that this would be a memory cherished for years to come.



Thank you for your support




Yeehaw! What a delightful journey y'all shared at the "Coming Home Cafe & Seascape." Cheers to moments that warm the heart and the belly! 🤠🌊 Keep makin' those cherished memories, partner!

Thank you.

Headin' into new horizons, partner! Your trailblazin' words light the way for others' journeys. Keep on ridin' with the sun at your back and the wind in your sails. Safe travels ahead!

A very nice place to enjoy, The food looks delicious and... I loved the window in the first photos 😅 Have a nice day @baibuaza

!discovery 35

@baibuaza! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ dimascastillo90. (3/10)

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Thank you! It really is a lovely place. Have a great day! 😊

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