About Mondays and Sundays 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan

in Photographylast month


For many people in Japan, this Monday felt like a Sunday, as the May 5th holiday, Children's Day, was "extended" to the first working day of the week. So at the end of the Golden Week there was a long weekend, which lasted a total of four days. Well, only for most people in Japan.

For me, on the other hand, yesterday's Sunday felt more like a Monday, at least if I went by the feeling I had when I woke up. The last few nights had somehow not been really refreshing and I got the result of a bad night's sleep right when my alarm clock was ringing. Actually my alarm clock is supposed to have a break on Sundays, but unfortunately this time it didn't. And for various reasons, recently I've been waking up several times during the night, making it increasingly difficult for me to fall asleep again and then, when it's finally time to get up, I feel exhausted.

Did I now have two Mondays in a row? Well, it wasn't quite that bad after all, because even though yesterday morning didn't feel like Sunday, I fortunately didn't have too much to do and was able to take it easy. I could have done much more if I had had more energy since the weather was so great yesterday, but some days you have to settle for less. And I managed to get to bed quite on time, where it didn't take me that long to fall asleep. Unfortunately, that's not normal either.

But last night's sleep was quite restful, although not enough of course. But when the alarm clock rang this morning, I felt fresher and more awake than yesterday, which is a pretty good start for a Monday. The tasks ahead of me were completed without any major problems and now, at the end of the day, I'm even in the mood for a little recap of the last two days.

I'm always amazed at how I manage to get things done, even with poor sleep. A lot of things probably work automatically and with a well-established routine, which has its advantages, at least in this case. But I've actually tried to convince myself to break out of any routine, so I'm probably proving myself wrong here again.

And, of course, I also plan to go to bed earlier and sleep more and better. But for all sorts of reasons, things turn out differently in the end and I stay up too late. I do not want to miss anything and I still have so much to do. There are excuses for everything and the older you get, the less you have to look for them.

Let's see how the next few days develop. For today at least, I'm quite optimistic that I'll get to bed on time. And since tomorrow shouldn't be that stressful either, I'm quite optimistic about this week. That is something we can build on...
