Holozing Fanart: Miu Miu

Hello there, everybody. Today, I finished my Fanart for another character from the Holozing game - another humanization. But this time, it wasn't a new character. I had some ideas and thoughts I wanted to experiment with Miu Miu whom I originally made a Fanart for around a month ago.

So I thought it was a good idea to go back and do another fanart for her and try out new stuff.

In the previous one, I portrayed her as a little kid, but this time I wanted to try drawing her as an adult person. (It might be a good idea to try drawing monsters in both adult and child form while humanizing them since this Fanart is a complete 180-degree turn from the other one I did)

One of the most fun things I did for her was drawing her hair and making it look fluffy and soft. Originally I derived and practiced that new hair drawing technique for hair only, but after drawing her, I was like maybe I could do the same thing to her tail as well. With a few adjustments in the coloring and the way I used my brush (the stock one) I could bring out those cool effects and I'm so satisfied with the results too.

I hope you enjoyed this Fanart as well, and I'll be seeing you in the next Fanart entry... cheers~

The Process

The Result

Original Game Art