Holozing Fanart: Zinguini

Hey there, folks. Today I did one of Holozing's newest monsters, Zinguinin... again in human form (we are back to humanizing again hahaha)

I did a ton of sketching and finally came up with how I wanted to draw her. The Blue parts in the rough sketch became the ice around her - as some sort of accessory she's wearing. They became her circlet, shoulder pads, and the jewel on her necklace.

I drew the ice structures, gave them some patterns using my brush, and in the end, I added shining glows around the tips and wherever that seemed to be a reflective surface.

The fur coat she's wearing in consideration of Zinguini's furry arms (if those icicles on either side of her are not her hands), and following the same color palette, I decided to give her gray hair. But as things progressed, things started looking bland, that's why I decided to tone it up a bit and redo her hair color - but in PURPLE this time. Surprisingly enough, that fit her pretty well.

In the end, to make things crazier (and less bland), I swapped the boring, flat-colored background to something more fitting of her hair color and her stare, and that's how we arrived at the result you've seen above.

I'd be happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions here, so feel free to share them with me below.
Hope you enjoyed this entry, and I'll see you in my next post~

The Process

The Result

Original Game Art


Oh nice, it is beautifully done

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency

Thanks, man :3