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RE: No water no us

Ouff, what a heavy read. But a great reminder to us all.
Made me think of my childhood. I don't know when exactly we started paying attention to what we were doing to our planet, but I clearly remember hundreds of discussions (on tv, radio, amongst adults) about the destruction of the ozone layer way back when. Since then, I think we have unfortunately brought so much more harm to our planet, and have become detrimental to its survival.

As someone who drinks water religiously, I definitely don't do enough to preserve it, but I also pride myself in not being wasteful (thanks to my great grandma). I've looked into purchasing water filters (apocalypse talk lol) but I'm not sure how much I'd trust amazon with that. However, your words made me realize how much more one can do.
At the same time, the pessimist in me thinks that no matter what we do, the big guys with the hefty wallets are the ones that can have the biggest impact and yet, no one would move a finger for the well-being of humanity.

I don't know. I really hope we figure out some ways to help our planet, not just with this issue but the many more we have created over the years.


You're right, if the big players were to do a better job it make a massive difference but it seems greed rules the day. It's the same with carbon emissions.

I like to think there's a future for humanity and the planet but I also believe that if there is to be one something has to happen now on a massive scale and I don't see it happening.

Thanks for your comment.

It's the sad truth, unfortunately. It seems like the more we evolve as a civilization, the more we just keep taking from our planet and destroying it in the process.

Thank YOU for bringing such important topics to all of us and making us reflect on our actions!