Hiking, and multipurpose guy

in Outdoors and more27 days ago


I hiked on the weekend, typical for me as I hike four or five days a week. The weather was a perfect 19°C, the sky was vivid blue interspersed with white cloud and the birds seemed happy with my presence based on the way the called out as I went. I started out early and was immediately greeted by a kookaburra calling out - A very Australian thing to hear. I was out there for over two hours and went up and down the hills, little tracks and even blazed my own trail cross-country at one point, just for fun. It's pretty dry as we're coming out of a dry summer, usually by now it's quite green, but the effect hiking had on me was the same as always.

I go to this area a lot and while there's rarely people there I see a person now and again and sometimes even the same people. There's a super-sexy girl who wears the tightest active-wear pants and crop tops I've ever seen (and makes them look good) and it's always a pleasure to see her, stop for a chat and move on...with a glance or two over my shoulder, but she wasn't there on this day.

Multipurpose guy was though and I chatted with him for a bit as I normally do; he's a cool guy and I enjoy catching up with him.


Multipurpose guy

The fellow is quite a lot older than me, still fit though, and hikes in this region most days albeit at different times than I usually do. He does it for health reasons, enjoyment, because he loves nature, the peace and quiet, solitude and all the reasons I do it as well. He has some other reasons though, and I think it's really cool.

The area has a few different ruins from the mid-1800's, crumbling homesteads that once sustained families and a few single/dual-person gold mining sites. The former always make me feel sad and cause me to wonder about those people, the meagre living they scratched out of the earth and why they moved on. The latter, the gold mine sites, make me hopeful of picking up a chuck of gold as big as a coconut (hasn't happened yet - or has it) and also makes me think of the toil those chaps put in to find the precious metal and whether they made their fortunes. Deep shafts pose a danger of course, but it's still cool to explore a little.

Multipurpose guy's purpose

Anyway, multipurpose guy is spending time learning about the history of those sites, the mines and homesteads, documenting it, which is really cool; when we meet up there from time to time he fills me in on the latest research he's done and it's really great to see how he's progressing.

Further to that, he also collects discarded rubbish that fucken assholes throw on the ground when they hike or mountain bike up there. There's not a lot, most people are responsible, but he finds a dozen or so items each time and collects and bins them - I think that's a responsible thing to do and have told him so. He's a good sort is multipurpose guy.

We had a good chat and went our separate ways but I was left, as usual, with the thought that that could be me one day when time permits...wandering about in nature day after day staying healthy, keeping my mind occupied with research, helping nature and staying fit and healthy...it seems like a good use of time to me.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


Now that is a hike!

Always amazing to see nature and hike from people across the world in different regions.

I think if multipurpose guy is going to take his place as a historian or even a hiking guide, you might want to come up with a better brand for him! ;)

When I go on hikes, I too pick up discarded things that don’t belong. Such an easy thing to do a the satisfaction of helping out a little along the way is well worth it. I can’t imagine what is (or isn’t) going through someone’s head when they throw shit on the grand and walk away like it is not, or is someone else’s problem.

People gonna peep so let’s not let it get us down as we keep hiking for the health and fun of it.

He's a good chap who deserves a better name, I'll work on it and see what I can come up with. Thinking of an outfit too, super hero style.

Hiking is awesome, throwing rubbish on the ground isn't and I think most decent hikers pick it up where it's seen and if practicable; makes sense right?

That is pretty awesome. I spent my day getting sunburned and rained on watching softball. We have a place near where I grew up that has old foundations from houses. I remember some of the houses when they were standing but the others have been gone longer than I have been alive. I always wonder about them when I walk by on the disc golf course.

Sunburned and rained on...the weather couldn't make up its mind I guess.

I like history and so this sort of thing is fascinating to me, call it a curious mind, and I like to delve into things a little deeper just because I can - I think this guy I mention is much the same It keeps him occupied and physically active so I think it's an excellent thing.

Yeah, it was a really weird day weather wise. I like history too. He sounds like a cool guy to talk to.

Multipurpose guy reminded me of one time JJ, dog and I were out on one of our trails and at the top of a not-insignificant slope we saw these three older gentlemen who looked like they could be north of 80 perched up there admiring the view.

I think I'd be pretty happy to get to their age and still be merrily doing the same hikes.

Is Multipurpose Guy going to write a book about his findings? I reckon that would be an interesting read.

I think there comes a time when a person just needs to be still within oneself I mean (not physically) and maybe that's how those old fellas do it, wandering about in nature, admiring the view and all.

Multipurpose guy is compiling a document for sure, I don't think it'll be turned into anything other than it is although it could very well be as I think, like you, it would be interesting.

It would be great if you take time for yourself once a week. I try very hard to give time for myself. But I can't do that. I get new inspiration from your talks and posts. @galenkp

Personal time is important, it helps recentre thoughts and keep one on the right track.

That does sound like a good way to stay fit and to be useful as you get older. I guess he found his space, not only for his body's health, but for his brain as well and everybody benefits when someone else cares about things enough to go the extra mile.

I agree, it's sensible for many reasons and makes him happy which I think is the least we should be aiming for.

That sounds like a good future. And if there are still some hot ladies along the way, then it would be awesome. I wonder if the research is just to have something to do, or if he shares it to some organization.

Lol, one must always be surrounded by hot ladies.

Does he use what3words.com to note specific locations? It's a nice middle ground between super accurate lat/long, and vague, 'Over that hill and slightly to the left'.

He's not very tech oriented and simply marks things on a topographic map, a pretty old and worn out one, but it works for him. He's not fallen down a mine shaft yet.

That would be nice to hike with the temperature of your place. I admire the multipurpose guy's actions. Picking up the rubbish of those assholes while doing his purpose. Maybe the two of you have similarities. You are full of brilliant ideas.

Yeah, its a decent temperature although can feel hot when hiking up a steep incline; Fortunately there's a lot of trees so shade is always close by.

Hi Galen, I have no doubt that you have already found a good piece of gold or several. This post, besides reminding me of a very good friend, also reminded me of Adler and the meaning of life. The meaning of each person's life, what life is for him/her, is in what he/she does. Best regards

I really like this guy, he just feels so settled and happy to me, content with what he does, his place in the world. I think that's a nice place to be and would make life quite enjoyable overall.

26 minutes ago
I really like this guy, he gives me the feeling of being ve
I think finding a place in the world, where to be happy and to be able to make the people we love happy, is quite an achievement. And the place of the person you're talking about, I also think it's a great place to be.

Did you mention to the multipurpose guy what you do here at Hive and that his interesting research and walks here would bring some value (to us but also to him)?
And that super sexy girl, she would surely find a community here that would suit her 😀

Nah, I never mention Hive to anyone in my real life.

I really liked what that boy does, it's like investigating, exploring, ruins, farms, that fascinates me!!!! I want to do it too... I was reading you and I imagined myself finding places like that and knowing their history.

Don't you have pictures of those places? I was curious!😃

I do have pictures and will use them in a post or two down the track.

That will be great! I'm going to love it.

Send that temperature here in our country, Please. 😅

Nah, we need it more.

I thought you would throw me, another question again. Seeing my notification. Hahaha, we need that low temperature here, the Philippines is suffering from extreme heat. It costs us a lot, from the electricity bill, and our health.

Hiking is a lot of fun, especially in an excellent weather as it is over there. Nature is always very beautiful and hiking allows one the maximum enjoyment of its serenity.
The blue clouds interspersed with the white is awesome and I do hope you find your gold someday.

It sure is, I enjoy it a lot.

I could see meeself as a...


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This is beautiful.
Now i think i would love to try this out someday too❤

I really like that place. I was also very entertained by the story of this versatile man


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