Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 11 || The Used - Giving Up (Acoustic Cover)

in Vibes17 days ago (edited)

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Esta es una de mis canciones favoritas del album. Decir eso es difícil porque todas las canciones de "Toxic Positivity" son buenas. Tiene una forma muy fresca de decir que todo estará bien aunque no lo parezca. Como siempre, mas abajo les dejare el link a la canción original. Sin mas, me despido por esta semana. Nos vemos pronto para celebrar el Vibes web 3!

This is one of my favorite songs on the album. That's hard to say because all the songs on "Toxic Positivity" are good. He has a very cool way of saying that everything will be okay even if it doesn't seem like it. As always, below I will leave the link to the original song. Without further ado, I say goodbye for this week. See you soon to celebrate Vibes web 3!

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

~~~ embed:-EZqg-SQjEQ youtube ~~~


Quiero agradecer a todos los que se tomaron la molestia de acompañarme a lo largo de este Post.
Se You Next Time


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Amazing entry!

means alot. Thanks bro lml

🤩 !PGM

whats pgm?

It's a gift token bro. Not active in the meantime. The project is on hold.

oh, i see. thnks man! i hope u get green light soon

Nice strings there bro ...Great talent you have plus great song cover ..Bless up

thnx man! greetings from venezuela