Legends of Elumia : More Tips for Tandaia Forest

in Hive Gaming3 months ago (edited)



Other Articles in this Series:
Legends of Elumia : Not a Review, but the Start of a Series
Legends of Elumia : Inventory, Banks, Quests, Pets, DUST and a little on Tactics
Legends of Elumia : Soloing For Chests as a BattleMage in Tandaia Forest
Legends of Elumia : Tips for Tandaia Forest


I spend far too much time soloing the forest, primarily because someone' might yell in the house for my attention. Being in a group and being the tank doesn't go down too well for the rest of the party and for this reason, I am still donning a terrible embarrassing grey breastplate.

Why just this item you might ask? It's because experience tells me that Hat's and Breastplates (or Robes), only drop from the 'Great' types of creatures in 'Tandaia Forest’, and I can’t solo these without going through a huge stack of large healing potions.

...'a most terrible grey chest piece lurks among the green drops I have picked up. If this was WOW, it would be unheard of to don such peasantry garb'

It can be done, and I have watched YouTube videos of a level 20 Champion defeating these monsters, but to what end?

Large Healing potions cost 60 DUST each, and it would require perhaps 20 or 30 of them to gain my victory. I would rather take my chances in a group, as I do participate, albeit occasionally.

I can say, you are never going to get anything better than a GREEN item in 'Tandaia Forest'. Shields, Rings, Offhand items, and Weapons can be dropped from any monster, but that chest piece and what you wear on your head comes only from the big boss, aka 'Great' types.


Those Bronze Chests that you desire, but can't get... alone

It's a big boss arena and none come harder hitting than the 'Great Mehdu'. Dare you go and whack on that chest, hoping you can get it before he crushes your skull?


There is an easy way and that is to ensure auto-attack is OFF before you head in there and attack that helpless chest that has never done any harm to you.

Once he starts hitting on you, auto-attack will revert to you hitting the 'Great Mehdu' and the chest will never be spilled.

...'turn off that setting, wade in, get the chest and remember to put it back on'...

It might be a good idea to wait for that big cuddly bear to wander to the edges of the arena before you start laying into the chest. If you have a DOT spell such as Solar Sear or Gore, then apply it to the chest before you go whacking it with your big stick.

Chests have health, and like monsters suffer from damage over time as well as direct hits. I find this concept quite amusing, but that's how it is!

Once you claim the chest, either leg it out of the arena or if you are almost dead, then simply die. In many cases, your downtime will be reduced if you opt to become worm food and regenerate nearby.


Urns and Vases

Legends of Elumia is no Diablo, so don’t expect great riches from simply smashing open those frequently appearing pots that generally hug the edges of the forest.


In most cases, you will get a satisfying 'smash' sound, and very occasionally you may gain a 'Loaf of Bread' or a 'Small Healing Potion'. Amazingly, fresh bread lingers in these dusty pots and any type of buff food helps for future dungeon runs.

...'my inventory is full of food, potions, rocks and bombs, as well as a few bones for would-be Fidos'...

Unlike most MMOs, whatever you pick up has a use, apart from 'Tanda's Oil', 'Mushrooms', and 'Bones' though I figure the latter item could well be related to 'Pet Breeding' which is coming soon.



These are infrequent static pillars and come in several forms, such as 'Refreshing', 'Defensive', 'Offensive', and the best type, 'Regenerative'.

  • Refreshing: Send your health and mana to full capacity.

  • Defensive: Give you a substantial AC buff

  • Offensive: Doubles your damage output

  • Regenerative: Heals you for 50 damage per tick


Offensive is fantastic, and whatever you can find while the buff lasts (several minutes), will die a lot faster than usual.

For example, I was close to this 'Aphex Majahrai' and though I could take him down without any buffing, that task was made trivial with a 'Regenerative' buff applied.


If you gain either the ‘Offensive’ or ‘Regenerative’ buff then go gung-ho and pile into anything while it lasts. Death will remove it and this tip does not apply to taking on ‘Great’ bosses alone.


Dealing with those annoying Spiders

Spiders are a pain in the arse, to put it bluntly. They poison you and root you limiting your movement for a few seconds, and that can be enough to put you in a world of hurt.

Regular Aphona's alone are easy; it's the artillery of Kamikaze and Hugger spiders that will swarm you and can give you a bad day.

'see the bright green spotty monster on the right. That's a Kamikaze and will run toward you and explode doing over 200 damage while committing suicide.'…

In the above example, I edged as far right as possible, got the attention of the Kamikaze who took the bait, and then back peddled. If you get it right the Kamikaze will chase you and then explode with you having just enough distance to be out of range.

The Spider can then be coaxed away from the 'Huggers', dotted with a 'Gore', and then left to die. If you can get away with NOT being rooted then back off quickly as up to seven or eight Huggers will swarm you and death could well follow soon.

'Huggers like to hide and do not show up on the mini-map as red circles. You have to look hard in the grass to spot them'…

In my case, I was unlucky enough to be rooted, a second Kamikaze was hiding around the corner, and I was swarmed to death. It’s all about being careful or not giving a crap!


Kamikaze Spiders can be in clusters of THREE sometimes. I occasionally leave Spiders alone when I see this, as it just builds up your downtime and eats into your buff food, literally.

Tanda’s Oil Traps

Legends of Elumia is such a mean game when it comes to loot that when you see one of these plants, you head right over intent on smashing it into pieces and getting the oil, right?

What you may not know is those sneaky developers often place a Bear Trap concealed next to the enticing flower. As a BattleMage, it's easy to spring the trap, but Champions have no such ability and often get their legs decapitated.

...'look closely and you will spot the jagged metallic edges of a a trap. Talk about sadistic design'...

It is possible in most cases to approach from the opposite side of the trap, get the Oil, and jump back, but sometimes such as in this image it's simply too close and you're going to get it, in the leg.

It’s a wonder I have any legs left given the amount of Bear Traps I spring.


While I continue to enjoy ‘Legends of Elumia’, I feel there needs to be more easy dungeons and while an Undead one is arriving later this year, people are going to get bored and park the game for a while until ‘new stuff’ arrives.

Like Splinterlands (another game I am invested in), development cannot come quickly enough.

'...Legends of Elumia is a massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game running on the Solana blockchain. If you loved WOW, you will love this...,'

Legends of Elumia: https://www.elumia.io/


  • Earn currency while you play and become a global Rock Star with Rising Star
  • Own assets, and earn currency while playing one of the oldest, most established Crypto Games, Splinterlands



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If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, rehive, engage me or all of these things.


It sounds like my kind of game, I just, can't justify the cost.

Keep up with the reports though, they make an interesting read...

Can you not though? It's a one off cost, and you get an NFT that is your toon and is sellable. There is no other outgoings besides this, and no monthly fees, but you have a steady source of income via playing.

This looks pretty cool still. Nice to see you are progressing along. Have the prices dropped down at all yet? I totally get what you are saying about not wanting to be in a party and get called away. It seems like there is always some kind of emergency in the house.

They have dropped and I have seen NFT's going for less than 1 SOL now. Mind you SOL is going kind of nuts so that's still $150 or so.

Haha yeah. I might get around to buying one someday. I have some tokens that are getting bridged to SOL and that might finally give me the opportunity to buy some.

Champions are easy to solo, but Battle Mage's cant half output some damage. My Mage easily dishes out more than my Champ but she's very squishy.

I think you would like it, but it's not got anywhere near the depth of WoW.

I will have to figure out a way to buy in one day. Right now I have shifted my focus to playing Civ IV. I need to go back and revisit Fallout New Vegas too.

Both great games, played the to death!

This game looks and sounds cool, and it's good that you're able to solo. But, obviously these types of games are a bit easier as part of a team.

I went and read your first post after this to see how much it is... $260! But, that's understandable for these types of games you can earn in.

How has the earning been? Have you made back a portion of the initial cost of it?

NFT's are now less than 1 SOL, so way cheaper. The earning potential is also down, and at the mo, you can not make more than around $1.40 a day as they throttle it to stop gougers.

I am enjoying the game and don't care so much for the earnings at the moment, and that's how it should be.

I have gained around $20 back so far.

Well that's not bad, and it makes sense that the earning potential has to be lowered as more people join.

I suppose considering a lot of MMOs were subscription based, the money isn't too bad.

I'll look into a bit more and I might pick it up.

Nice to see you on this game ;)
Is it payed or free to play?
I'll start sharing my gaming articles streak soon with my PubG Mobile account.

It's not free but you can earn daily by playing. Floor price for a NFT starts at around 1 Solana. Not cheap, and designed to keep away anyone non-serious about it.

hmm, interested,
can you share the link?

Apparently your intuition got you on the right track buddy, you're well on your way and you've been smart about disabling the auto-attack to open the chest quickly haha. How much is the approximate cost to be able to start playing?

Around 1 Solana now. When I started it was around 2.6, so the prices for NFT's are dropping though it's still not a cheap game. Once you have one, that's all you need, there's nothing else.

Thanks bro!!

It’s looking like everyone should start praying to always get the Green items, lol
The game seem like an interesting one though

Yes, I would love a Green chest item. I need to group more to get one.


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Hi @slobberchops, could you please tell me why did you downvote my posts so that I can fix it?
Thank you.

I can't speak for @slobberchops, but your last comment you have made was almost 3 weeks ago, but you post daily. You are just farming for votes. You don't interact with any other users and the one comment you did get a few weeks ago, you couldn't even be bothered to answer.

Ok, I've got it.
I'll try be more interactive.
Thank you so much for your answer.

No worries.

Remember that this is a community of people. Communities require relationships.

Wow, you're already level 33. That's pretty good grinding. While I understand your desire for easier dungeons, I also understand why the game doesn't have them as much. They want people to socialize, and play with friends. More players means more earnings for them, and it is also healthier for the game.

This game is very interesting but is not cheap to start playing but every time I read one of your posts about this game I want to get started.
I am very focused on Hive games but if I have more time in the future and have to choose a game outside the Hive ecosystem I would choose this game.
One way or another I will follow with interest this adventure of yours because blockchain based games are one of my passions
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