Last one before sleep

in Black And White17 days ago

Ruddy turnstone beach bw 1.jpg

One of the times I went to catch some sunset shots, I passed by a tiny little beach (if it can be called a beach) on the way home. Depending on the water level, it is either completely submerged or has a thin strip of sand and stones exposed. So when the water drops, the little birds are running around looking for all kinds of little buggers hiding in the sand.

These are Ruddy Turnstones I believe. They must be nesting around as well somewhere between the rocks. There are times when dozens and dozens of them fly from one spot to another, and this is when they are the most visible. After they land, they blend so well that if they don't move, they look like nearby rocks. Great camouflage skills!

Ruddy turnstone beach bw 2.jpg

It was way after the sun hid behind the horizon, and I still caught a few of them looking for food. The last little bite before they go hide between the rocks for the night.

Ruddy turnstone beach bw 5.jpgRuddy turnstone beach bw 6.jpg

Few pokes in the sand and a quick look at the nosy human - moi :D

Ruddy turnstone beach bw 3.jpg

Ruddy turnstone beach bw 4.jpg

They are nice little birds, smaller than a pigeon. But with the boats in the bar back they look even smaller :)

Ruddy turnstone beach bw 7.jpgRuddy turnstone beach bw 8.jpg

Their camouflage comes in very handy when these guys are around. A few cats can be seen near that psot almost every time I pass it by.

kitty beach bw 1.jpg

This big, blue-eyed one was so beautiful! He looked well fed too, but he wouldn't let me get close to him. One step, and he ran away.

Ither times there is a black one or two tabbies. All lovely :)

kitty beach bw 2.jpg

Monochrome bonus song for today:
Besides - Tenth
year 2022

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Tamron 70-300 lens
All photos and text are my own.


Mono banner.png


two masters of camouflage is heading on head to head, but I guess this time the turnstone will beat the cat. :)

Most of the times they do :)

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Thank you! :)

Oh, how stressful the life of those cute little birds with that flower camouflaged kitty nearby!

This monochromatic song is on my vibe today. 👌

That's why they get spooked so easily I guess. Always on the lookout...

This monochromatic song is on my vibe today. 👌

Yay :D

That cat looked very smart and wary of people. The birds are much faster than the cat anyway. So, it’s tough luck for the cat!

They get fed by humans too, so I dont think they rely on the birds to survive.

I like birds playing by the sea, it looks very cute but they seem to be enjoying the gentle beach air 😄

Wow, I really enjoyed the black and white pictures you shared, the one I like the most is the cat picture. it was very interesting and very funny to me, I really enjoyed it
Thanks for sharing.

Thank you :)


An absolute visual poem capable of making you sigh when you look at it!... Beautiful soft contrast, diverse elements and exquisite central balanced composition... Art!

Thanks for sharing @ewkaw friend!


@ewkaw! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @jlinaresp. (2/5)

Wow, thank you! :D


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The cat you photographed in black and white looks very cute, funny and beautiful, I really like looking at it

He was adorable!

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