
Ha, I'm curious as to why it's curious to you? Some context for the name, at the time the Breonna Taylor / Black Lives Matter protests were going on here and many of us protesting were armed because the police definitely weren't going to protect us and there were multiple militias that kept coming into town too.

I do have a few myself, actually learned to shoot firearms before I learned how to shoot cameras.

I'm curious as to why it's curious to you?

because for us here the issue of weapons is something dangerous and violent and you take it in a very joking way that makes you laugh haha

actually learned to shoot firearms before I learned how to shoot cameras.

That's wild!

Ah, I see, wasn't sure which aspect was the curious part :) I sometimes forget how accustomed we are here in the US to weapons and violence. Hive is good at reminding me though. Can't help but suspect that the joking and laughter is a combination of 'familiarity breeds contempt' and gallows humor. Last weekend alone we had seven people killed and five wounded in shootings, one of them at a place I'd been taking photos the day before.

Heh, I got my first firearm, a .22LR bolt action rifle when I was ten, got a 12 gauge shotgun a couple years later. Here there's a big difference in attitudes towards guns between urban and rural areas, is it like that where you live? I grew up in a rather rural area and hunting and target shooting were common, everyday hobbies. Moved to the city for college and was rather surprised to meet people who'd never even held a gun before.