Curator Cat Contemplates: The Many Sides of Creativity

in GEMSlast year

What exactly is creativity?

We often run into discussions — and even lively debates — over such things as where art ends and crafts begin... often without resolution... but what about creativity, itself?

My own photo with some creative brushes and filters applied

Not Creative?

I hear a lot of people say things like "oh, I'm just not very creative!" However, they conclude this on the assumption that "creativity" implies fine arts or professional dance or composing music.

But that's a rather narrow perspective.

Let's consider, for example, that many workplaces often want to hire employees who are "creative problem solvers" and those folks are definitely not in any kind of art-related business.

Too often, I think, people are too hasty in adding themselves to the "non-creative" camp!

I'm winking at you!

Could be that is just a basic human tendency... we understate our creative gifts and talents in case we're actually called upon to use them.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that we might like to draw or paint, but we didn't get an MFA from a major institute of learning. But I'd submit that the vast majority of people who work in artistic fields — or even with creative endeavors in the spare time — aren't actually educated in anything artistic.

Heck, I work with creative things, and my education is in business and finance!

Some things can definitely be a bit ambiguous. Consider photography, which is potentially an artform while at the same time can also be a matter of sheer luck because someone pointed a camera in the right direction at the right moment. But if you consider it on a deeper level, it was ultimately a creative eye that resulted in a camera being pulled out at all, rather than simply allowing the moment to pass unnoticed.


I originally created this sub-account to seek out and support creative content here on Hive; it is actually the continuation of a fledgling project from the "old" chain. But I also wanted to experiment with some creative expression of my own, and not just cat photography!

We'll see where this all ends up!

For the moment, I am just putting this "place holder" here, as a first step. I'm also going continue using this as a way to build my growing stake in CCC tokens, a Hive-Engine community project dedicated to supporting art and creativity here on Hive!

Till the next one, thanks for stopping by!


Curator Cat, 2023.06.15


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