some dry fungi

in FungiFriday22 days ago (edited)

this is my contribution to #fungifriday by @ewkaw

back in the north here we are accustomed to seeing fungi quickly decay as they age but that is not what happens everywhere.

in some climates they dry out

revealing interesting patterns

mostly on the underside

these are polypores

i am not sure of their exact identity

obviously not edible but they are quite attractive in their own way

i took all of these photos in own indian garden during the dry season.

but the fungi grow during the monsoon

this one looks a little rusty


What interesting patterns these mushrooms have, great that you found and photographed these mushrooms dear friend @eolianpariah2
enjoy the weekend

The pictures are lovely
Are you also one of those people who eat mushrooms?

Looks like Daedalea quercina and Sarcodontia pachyodon.

thanks for the feedback. i am quite sure one is some kind of Daedalea but quercina is connected to oak (Quercus sp) and these are on some tropical evergreen logs in india

Interesting specie that Rusty Mushroom :)

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!