Train Cars Coffee and Kava

I love a quaint unique cafe and today I have a very unusual one for you. It's called the Train Cars Coffee and Kava located at a little town called Nederland in Colorado, America (not the Netherlands) at 2510m ASL.


This is what the front entrance looks like, nothing too special you may say.

What if I show you the rear....

And the inside... do you start to see why I say it's unusual? In case you haven't guessed from the name already, this cafe is located inside a train carriage. Three actually, all linked together. This is the main carriage called the Pullman car. It dates back to 1906 and ran in the region until it retired in 1970.


The interior decor of the Pullman car is quite exquisite because it used to be a dining car. The beautiful stained glass windows and decorative ceiling, takes you back to the old era, and I can literally see myself dining here.


This is another carriage looking in from the Pullman Car

and out to it. There's no seating area here. Just some information about the local area as well as history about the cafe and the train carriages. Very informative. By the way, talking of informative, if you see this same post copied by some low life pathetic leech account pretending to be me because they've been downvoted by me for farming on Hive, please let me or Snowpea know.

Although the train carriage isn't very large, there was good use of the space, they even had a section to make fresh mini donuts. We bought some to go with our coffee. Unfortunately they had cooled down a bit so were just ok, I think if we got some freshly made still warm ones, they'd be much nicer.

I love the handwritten menu on the blackboard that was hung up above the counter. It was quite extensive with a lot of syrups. The peanut butter one sounded really weird, I haven't seen that before and to be honest don't think I'd want to drink peanut butter coffee. Then I noticed they had CBD on the menu and I wanted to add some to my coffee. Sadly they ran out that day.

Last and not the least... the actual coffee. Sorry I was too busy taking photos of this unusual cafe that I didn't pay much attention to the actual coffee. It was served in a takeaway cup. That's one thing I noticed in USA, they're not very environmentally friendly and still use a lot of disposable stuff. Plus, I don't know if it had anything to do with the fact we were located quite high up in the mountains at 2510m, the coffee wasn't very hot. So, instead I have for you their coffee mug and coffee beans. Hope you enjoy my coffee break today.


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 last month  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Funny thing, 'coffee' means 'kava' in my language :) Looks like a great place to enjoy some kava ;)

What a coincidence! I read that the kava they're referring to is the extract from a plant that helps with depressant.

I didn't know that 🤔, but there's definitely something to it. Before I've had my first cup of coffee, talking to me is not allowed 😂. But after that, you can talk to me all you want 😂

Wow, what a cool place. Will have to add it to my list if someday I am in that area 😉
Love places like that. Unusual with a lot of character and history.

I'm always on the lookout for unique places to stop for a coffee, and I doubt I'll ever be returning here, so glad that I made it here

Yep, I do the same… as you never know if you go back again.
There is just to much in the world to discover to go back to the same places you have been.
Have a wonderful day Pauline 😊

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 last month  

WoW! It has such a homely look and feel to it. I could see myself waking up to run a coffee shop like that daily. It's unique and even more so to be on the waterfront.
I love trains and coffee shops and the combination is ace 🙌
It's an amazing concept!
Jolly good time.jpg

It's an absolute little gem, and fits in very well with the hippie vibe in town. I think you'd definitely like that

Wow! Train Cars, Coffee, And Kava is perfect destination to chill and relax. If only I could go there, I would really love to have a cup every day. Amazing travels! I just hope my feet will lead there someday. Heheh. This is so extraordinary, something I have never seen here in my country.

Repurposing old vehicle carriages into a cafe is such a lovely novelty, maybe it will catch on in the Philippines one day and you can visit

Such a unique cafe . I love this place... So vintage hehe
Reminded me of the train exhibition at Wanchai, HK.

Have you been to the train museum in Tai Po? That used to be my local station when I was a kid

Great place ❤️ reminds me of my old tinyhouse in a train wagon dream. A little bit like the kind of we imagine living a circus life

Look!! This is one of the three carriages!!

I love the homey look the cafe has. From the cozy interior to the handwritten menu. I hope the coffee's taste was at least as great as everywhere else in the cafe looks.

The coffee was so so, nowhere as good as the cafe itself, but then I'm not much of a coffee drinker

Very cool cafe last year I went to railroad car cafe in South Dakota. This cafe is quite a bit better looking than that one and the food on that one was not that great there. But the experience eating on a railroad car was cool.

Whereabouts was that? It sounds interesting. I was in South Dakota as well, but only passing through for a night so didn't get to see much

1880 town just off of I-90 just over 40 miles east of Badland National Park (Wall, SD).

I went to Badlands!! It was so surreal really loved it. Was going to stop by Wall afterwards but we spent so much time at Badlands that we had to skip it

You can really get caught up at the badlands especially if your fornate enough to witness any of the wild life. Did you have time walk on any of the trails? Can get lucky and see some small fossils doing that. As far as Wall goes or for that matter Wall Drug I think it's overrated. Way too many signs advertising it along the way which I'm sure you noticed.

That's really awesome. I am heading to Denver myself this summer, so if we happen to make it over that way I will try to stop and check this place out myself! It looks really interesting. I'd love to try some of those teas.

It will be interesting to see where you end up in Denver when you go. I bet you'll be going to some really interesting places that only you local (Americans) know!

We already have a bit of a list started, but a lot of our time is going to be spent at the softball fields. That's the main reason we are going!

It is something unique and beautiful to see...
Looks like a good effort put in the decorations.

I will keep an eye around 👀, if I see this same post...

Thanks for looking out.

Very original coffee. The design is very successful, taking care of the details of the era it represents. A worthwhile visit, thanks for sharing it with us. Happy day.

It's great when people make the effort to create something so unique for others to enjoy, I'm glad I can share on Hive

 last month  

That's such a cool and unique cafe. The interior is really neat and a nice repurpose of the space.

Everything in North American is disposable - in Canada as well. It's crazy the amount of garbage it produces and quite shocking how little garbage there is in a lot of European countries because they don't use the same amount of disposable containers.

That really took me by surprise, especially the plastic carrier bags you get free of charge in Walmart. We haven't had that in UK for years. I guess it takes a long time to change these habits

 last month  

Yeah in Canada we got rid of plastic bags at stores a little while back and recently switched to banning single use plastics. We still have a crap ton of disposable food containers and wrappers though, and coffee cups galore!

It is truly a unique place, personally I especially loved the decoration, it truly transports you to the past. A delicious coffee in a train car, I think it is unique and very special.

Thanks for sharing your experience.☕
Good Thursday.

You're welcome, glad you liked it

I am amazed of the design and the concept of the coffee shop Ma'am @livinguktaiwan so unique and it feels like living in the past.

I loved how they'd kept the original decor, adding to the whole vibe

When you asked whether to show what was hidden, I was intrigued. These are the places that sing to me, secret, with an identity, a style of their own and an identity that makes them stand out. Of course, we can't leave the important thing, the coffee. :3

@zihad11 tell me Sir I really did not know that one post cannot be made twice If I had known, I would never have done this. Sir forgive me like this time. I will never do this again in my life. Please give me a chance to post again on pinmapple

He stopped my posting at once. I was very interested in working on this platform. Everything stopped because of my little mistake. At one time I was crazy to drop everything and work on this platform. I now have all the memories. I may never work here again. It feels so bad to think about all this. Can't you give me a chance? Please give it a chance to see it once.