In the Arms of Motherhood: A Mother's Day Tribute to Unconditional Love

in Freewriters29 days ago

My daughter and I (My Mother's Day tribute)
We left mom's after sunset
Mothers are tough and strong humans
We also visited mom's. This is at the back of her yard.
We arrived at my cousin's place. This is a huge rubber tree just before their house.

Good evening, amazing people and all the beautiful souls out there!

Yesterday, my daughter and I set off on a meaningful out-of-town visit to my cousins 2 towns away. We were looking forward to joining a prayer novena in memory of my beloved aunt, who passed away a few months back. But, you know how life likes to throw in a little twist? Well, a small mix-up with the dates made us switch gears and decide to make our way back to my mom's place instead. It wasn't a grand celebration by any means. In fact, we were still grieving the loss of my mom's eldest sibling, who recently passed away from cancer. We had just attended his wake, and the somber mood lingered in the air. But amidst the sadness, there was comfort in being together, surrounded by family and love. We shared a simple lunch at my mom's place, reminiscing about old memories and cherishing the present moment. As the sun began to set, my daughter and I bid farewell and made our way back home. And in that simplicity, in that togetherness, I found the true essence of Mother's Day.

To all you amazing moms out there, whether you're a mom, stepmom, grandma, adopted mom, foster mom, pet mom, single mom, or anyone who showers kids with love, I just want to send some belated Mother's Day love your way. Your endless love, care, and hard work never go unnoticed, and you are truly appreciated. DOn't forget that. And to those who may have found Mother's Day challenging this year, I want you to know that you are seen and loved. I understand the complexities of this day and the emotions it may bring. Remember, it's okay to feel whatever you're feeling, and you are never alone.

As we journey through life's twists and turns, let's hold dear those precious moments of connection, love, and thankfulness. Each day is a chance to honor the beauty of motherhood in all its diverse forms. I'm wrapping you all in a virtual hug filled with warmth and overflowing gratitude. Here's to the phenomenal moms who mold our lives with their boundless love and steadfast encouragement. You are valued and cherished, today and every single day.

Again, Happy Mother's Day, amazing moms!

⊱ღ One love ⊱ღ

May 13, 2024, 6:45 p.m. PST
In between the farm and the beach

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Hello @bloghound
Happy Mother's Day to you, and all the mothers in your family.

Thank you very much, @miprimerconcurso ❤️

Sorry about the passing of your Aunt an unfortunate event but the gathering with family certainly helps with the grieving process. Happy Mother's Day country girl 😊


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Dear @bloghound, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @coolmidwestguy.

Hello, big bro. Thank youuuu!!!!

Hello dear friend @bloghound I'm sorry you lost your aunt.
Mothers are the most beautiful and adorable beings that can exist, as you say, we must honor them at all times.
Happy Mother's Day

Thank you so much, my dear friend, @jlufer 🙏