Gaudi's Wild Creation | Exploring Park Güell

in Pinmapple28 days ago


Hello, guys! Let's hop to our next destination in Barcelona which is Park Guell. This is one of the two most popular sights in the city, of course next to the Sagrada Familia cathedral. And of course with popularity comes the crowd so keep that in mind, you won't be able to explore these two locations in a peaceful company of yourself or friends, they are always crowded with tourists.

Our apartment was few minutes away from the cathedral by foot and there was a constant line in front of it of people taking photos or waiting to get in. As for Sagrada, it is project that's been going on since 19th century and it's still isn't finished. The word is that it will finally be done in 2026. A metal fence is around and on the domes your can see nets and huge construction cranes. You can see it on the first photo below where my friend is posing - I tried to hide the distractions and people as much as possible. It's the only photo taken with my phone because I needed a wider lens for a shot like that.

Anyway, we decided not to enter the cathedral partly because of the high entry fee (26e), partly because of the crowd. But we had to visit the Park Guell where the entry costs 10e if you go through official website, if you choose other platforms it will cost you more. Also make sure to book in advance if you want to visit either of the two locations or you may miss your chance.







The park is of course the project of Antonio Gaudi and it's massive! Be prepared for a good few hours of walking if you want to see it all. It is secluded on the hill that overlooks the city so people often come here around sunset to enjoy the view.

It was imagined to be a neighborhood for the wealthiest people of Barcelona in 19th century with 60 villas, but the project was abandoned after only three of those were built. Instead, it was turned into a beautiful park. Here you can really get a sense of wild imagination from one of the world's most famous architects.

Gaudi wanted to blend nature in his works so he designed buildings that looked like things from the natural world, roofs that look like mushrooms, walls like a dragon scale, fountains that resemble lizards, slanted walls, colorful murals... even the trees around look like they were imagined by Gaudi's brilliant mind.






It was hard to reach the well known spots and take a few photos with my friends due to tourists who swarm the main platform but we still managed. Other that that the park is vast with plenty of interesting things to see.

I especially was interested in large hallways with columns perfect for street photography. It would have been better with less people but what can you do. I ended up liking the one with little girl climbing the wall (last one). Funnily enough, the same girl and her father were also on the second favorite from the location - the one where she is deep in thought on the park terrace. :) I hope you enjoy the park and if you find yourself in Barcelona, this is a must visit. Photos taken with Fuji X-Pro2 + 35mm F/2 lens.






My 2024 kitchen calendar is "Spain," and April shows a scene taken in Park Guell. I like your shots better than the calendar pic. Very neat 😊.

Hahaha glad you think that! :D I would have done a better job if I went there early, with few people around. Maybe you get to visit it one day. :)

From what I've seen in pictures, Spain is a beautiful place. I can only imagine what it's like to experience in person! 🍻

The cathedral are built very unique particularly those decorations and structures. It is so nice to visit the place full of historical events just like that place.

Yes, they look like they are from a cartoon. Lovely place.

Yes, that was also my imagination. ☺️

I've never been to Park Guell but I'd like to visit it :) thanks for sharing

!discovery 20

Glad my photos inspired you to think so :)

very amazing place. I was very entertained to see such a beautiful place

Yes, it's a real gem. Glad you liked it!

This place is truly beautiful and the pictures are amazing 😃

Thank you very much, glad you liked it!

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