Beginning to admire the paintings of the Museum of Fine Arts 📷 Malaga - Spain

in Pinmapple16 days ago


I have never in my life seen a museum as big as the Museo de la Aduana in Malaga. I think that being primarily a palace is the reason why it is so big.

It is impossible to go through it in one day and admire in detail everything there is in it and as it is a marvel to be able to be there I preferred to go for several days and divide my tour in several parts.

On this occasion and this visit, and I still have several more to go, I visited the first floor of the building, where the space destined for the city's Museum of Fine Arts is located.





On my previous visits I had not noticed this really beautiful sculpture in the lobby.

According to the details beside it, the sculpture is called La Dama de la Alcazaba (The Lady of the Alcazaba). It dates back to the 18th century when certain excavations were being carried out and Roman remains were found in the excavations.

From these remains several sculptures were found which later became part of the Archaeological Museum, and this piece is one of the best known.

It is a female figure wearing the typical tunic of ancient Greece.


The facilities of the Customs House Museum are beautiful, as is its beautiful interior courtyard.




In it we can find some explanatory plaques referring to it, what it contains and its architecture, history and map.


On arriving at the first floor of the building, I find a sign explaining the building.


There is also a large hall with beautiful decorations.


The staircase attracts a lot of attention and enhances its beauty.




The view from the first floor makes you want to stay in the corridors for a long time. The architectural style of the place is very original, both in the view of the inner courtyard and in the corridors with the lamps and the seats for resting or just being there.



This first floor dedicated to the Museum of Fine Arts is divided into several areas and it is worth every step I took to go through it.

From the entrance to the last painting I have seen, everything has been amazing.




As soon as you enter I see a beautiful work of art with an explanation of each of its parts.

Here we can see more than 2000 works of art between sculptures and paintings, most of them from 19th century Spain, but also foreign art.

A great collection of art, the largest I have ever seen and very significant from different periods, styles and themes.



From what I noticed on this tour many of the works have been bequeathed by different convents so I think there is a lot of religious art.




The Royal Academy of San Telmo has also played a great part in this museum, as it was the one who set it up to generate the emergence of local artists and promote culture in this sense.




The walls show exquisite art, which as I always say, even if it is religious, what matters is how the work is done, the faces, the clothes, the atmosphere. A harmonious composition in keeping with the period.





The artists represented there and part of their history and works are shown in various parts, such as the Marquis of Paniega and a bust dedicated to him.


Also the artist Ricardo de Orueta y Duarte.






A large collection of sculpture and gold and silver work is displayed in showcases to admire its beauty, piece by piece.

The sculptures are religious and of a surprising quality.

Many of the works and sculptures on display belong to those goldsmith workshops where many artists and disciples carried out all these beauties.


A baptismal font is in my passage. It dates from the 15th century in Seville, a true relic and worthy of admiration. It is one of the few remaining examples of this style.





Another of the artists we can find in the place is Carlos de Haes Nerinckx.

His works are very beautiful and gave rise to the whole movement of naturalist and realist painting in the city.


At that time not only religious motifs were represented, but also the human figure, everyday life and landscapes.



These landscapes form a very important part of all the works on display here and this time I will show you a section of them.

Scenes of nature, the open air, weather effects and a lot of geography could be seen on the canvases in this area of the museum.



Also scenes of ships, people, animals and animals complemented the above.

In this case, there were no religious or mystical ingredients or customs, only landscapes and natural environments showing their essence.

This is why realism and naturalism stood out.



Many artists from Malaga went to study these themes in the countries of Northern Europe where the trend was taking place and that is why we have these magnificent works of art so impressive.

It is worth mentioning the good execution of these paintings. I am particularly passionate about the theme of the sea.

Just looking at the way the waves, the boats, the reflections in the water, the sails of the boats and the realism of the painting amazes me.

I could also find natural motifs that were not of the sea, such as trees and rural areas, but in my case this area of the museum was extremely impressive because of the sea.


This painting was the one I liked the most, my favourite, since I was a child I have loved the sea and ships and I stayed a long time admiring it.







A section within the same area was dedicated to Venetian landscape views, the bridges, rivers, buildings, boats, canoes and above all the reflections on the water.

Many painters of the time, when the subject of photography appeared, took photographs of different landscapes and then painted them on canvas.




The rise of photography was closely related to the artistic trend of the time. They were closely linked.

On many of the walls of the place we can find mentions of this theme and how it has evolved.


Photography captured the reality in an immovable moment and time of day and that in many opportunities seemed to advance or to be superior to painting when in reality they are both art and many times they went hand in hand complementing each other.

There is much, much more to this great museum of Fine Arts, which was a pleasure to visit. And I will continue my tour to show you more of the wonderful works of art in history.

Thank you all very much for joining me. Best regards to all of you and see you next time.

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[//]:# (!pinmapple 36.72003 lat -4.41736 long Beginning to admire the paintings of the Museum of Fine Arts 📷 Malaga - Spain d3scr)

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Thank you so much @pinmapple ❤️

Thank you very much dear friend @avdesing for visiting this beautiful palace and showing us the works of the Customs Museum of Malaga, especially that you took the time to divide and tour the great palace to show us in detail the works exhibited there.
Your photographs are really beautiful.

The amount of works of art is tremendous, I didn't think I'd finish the tour, it's impressive. Thank you very much @jlufer 😃

What a beautiful palace, I really like the large hallways of the building, and the enormous amount of beautiful works
In my city the museums are very small and there are not that many things to see
Your city has beautiful places to visit @avdesing

I will bring much more of this museum which is beautiful and gigantic! Thank you @miprimerconcurso 😃

Another art walk, I really liked the religious sculptures. They are very expressive. And as you say the building looks very big, and at the same time beautiful.
Thank you for this walk @avdesing

You have no idea how many pictures I took, more than 250!!!! The sea motifs are my all time favourites! Thanks @enraizar

😍 250 fotos!!🐟🐳
🦀🐡🐙🦑🐚. En español, ya estás tardando!! 😂

En publicar las 250? jajaja ya vendrán!! Buenas noches!✨

Buenas noches! @avdesign

Congratulations on a job well done! We are thrilled to see the outstanding results you've achieved. Your dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and it's inspiring to witness the impact you've made. Keep up the fantastic work, and know that your contributions are valued and appreciated.

Tener pensado visitar este museo significa planificarse con las comidas listas, así da chance de explorarlo completamente 😅 Aquí en mi ciudad hay uno pequeño y sin embargo me quedó mil horas apreciando las pinturas, no imagino lo que será mi experiencia al conocer semejante lugar 🤩

No te das una idea de las horas que ya he estado en ese museo, demasiadas! Pero con mucho gusto!!😍

Que hermoso recorrido AV lindas fotos

Hola! Muchas gracias @cositav 😃

What an imposing architecture, it looks like a palace. Some paintings seem real, what a beauty ❤️

I saw a swan in one of them haha always trying to capture birds 😂

And another day I will publish one that you will like even more, at that time they painted a lot of birds! For you princess!❤️

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Thank you so so much @pinmapple and @choogirl 😃

Traveling with you again 🤗, they are beautiful all the paintings, thanks for sharing @avdesing 💙.

Thank you very much @vezo 😃

The Lady of Alcazaba lost her head... I hope it wasn't because of love. 😂

This museum is a marvel from an architectural point of view and its state of preservation is very appealing. I suffer a lot when I see the deterioration of our heritage. Obviously, there is a lot of religious art there, a legacy of Christian Spain. As for the seascapes you show, the ones that I loved were those of the rough sea.

It's great that you spend time in that place where art soaks into clothing. Are you wearing a himation? LOL (joke)

I hope so too hahaha that he hasn't lost his mind for love!

It's a wonderful museum, and that one floor is so big that I went in two days, I took more than 250 pictures of paintings and sculptures, it's impressive and I love it!

I'm missing the archaeology part... I'll go with the tunic!🤣

😄 That would be funny to see.

Y lo verás! Tengo que organizar las fotografías, fui varias veces a museo.

me refería a ti vestida con el himatión y el quitón 😄

Ups... pero eso no se verá, prefiero vestirme de egipcia!

🤣 lo sé, lo sé que no se verá. solo bromeo. que tengas buena tarde.

Impresionante el lugar, desde las primeras fotos me atrapaste con la dama de Alcazabal, las líneas son perfectas, lástima que no tiene su las demás te cuento que se ven preciosas, dignas de ponerse en algún álbum del lugar...
Europa me conmueve con tanto, es una de las primeras cosas que haré el día que logré llegar a España, recorrer museos y palacios antiguos, aunque el arte moderno igual me encanta, estás obras no tienen comparación.
Excelente tus fotos, y coincido contigo, que manera tan perfecta de dibujar el mar y sus olas!, ¡parecen fotos!
Gracias por compartirlo.

El museo es tan grande que tengo que ir varios días, aun no termino. Y la parte de Bellas artes es extensa, son más de 2000 obras de arte. Tomaré fotografías de todo! Muchas gracias @adaluna1973 😃

Sé que lo disfrutarás mucho, y nosotros contigo por acá!

Muchas gracias!

Spectacular museum with incredible pieces.


Imagine that this work was going to attract attention as it did with me! It's great!

The expression I make when I drop my ice cream.


That's exactly what happens to me and the ice cream can't fall off!🤣


Happy Hour Drinking GIF by Busch


Hehe. You have yourself a fantastic evening!

You too! Have fun!

I shall! It is time to make chicken and chips!