Hive Community Decide What to Buy From Their New Found Fortune

in Comedy Open Mic3 months ago

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The Hive Community were giddy today when the Hive token, aka the giant old snail himself was dragged kicking and screaming towards 40 cent and beyond. After memecoins with no utility whatsoever jumped almost 2000% and other newer coins were hitting 120% hikes, Hive ploughed away through the 35 cent and then 36 cent, back down to 34 cent, then up to 36 cent again, the upward movement however slow sent ripples through the Hive Community. The Hive Coin Maximumists started to come out of their cave, blinded by the light with great big grey beards (even the ladies). One such maximilist shouted into the wife / partner to fetch their posting gloves and grabbed a cup of coffee with a smug smile on their faces. This is the Hive Maxi's time to shine. The holy grail. Above the 40 cent. They had seen it before in the last bull run. The Hive price steadily increased and even went to €3 for couple of hours. But they were more weary now. Weary but still uncontrollably optimistic. First 40 cent. Soon 40 dollars. It was written in their destiny. They had spoke about it often on Discord. Hive was so alive that it could not fail. The Community was everything and Hive is a good community. The riff raff had been left back at Steem while Hive took the ark to the promised land of decentralisation. No more squabbles about ninja mine. No more Ned. The people owned this coin not the upper crusts. Hive is for the people by the people. Now one could argue that the result after all these years of floating was to improve on what already was there and the changes were not as big as were first thought out but the Hive Maxys are happy to keep sailing with the wind and post away as long as their token remained at around 30 cent which it did. This week however is when the game changed.

Maureen the Shadowhunter

@maureen from the Shadow hunters dreamt of a new M3 BMW that was on the market for a cool €130,000 and seeing Hive go to 40 cent filled her with hope and dreams. She had been to every shadow in her home town over the last 4 years and posted daily about her findings. She was getting to the point of rehashing older shadows in posts from long ago hoping that nobody would notice. She was worried there were a couple of eagle eye sallys around that would pull her up on a past shadow and call her a fucking fraud and be banished. So when a new shop opened in town, Maureen wasn't there for the free stuff, she moseyed about on her mobile scooter to check the new shadows out that the building made. Triangular ones, curved ones. She would get home and post about it. With 80,000 Hive in the wallet Maureen would be able to afford her BMW M3 if Hive went to $3 and 40 cent was a good start. So with the advent of new shadows and the Hive price increasing , things were looking good for Maureen.

Hive Maxi Dreamfactor 8/10

PJ the Runner

PJ the actifit community chief ran his 3760th lap of his local track and upload his data on Hive every evening. PJ was alot more humble in his dreams than Maureen. All PJ wanted was a new prosthetic leg that matches his other one to achieve better lap times. These fake legs cost a few pound. PJ had 50,000 Hive from all his actifit posts so he was hoping if the Hive price increased to €1 then he would have his leg and a few pound left over to fit it onto himself.

Hive Maxi Dreamfactor 5/10

Jimmy the Lazy Bastard

Jimmy had all his eggs in one basket as he was unemployed and spent his whole day on Discord moaning about the politics of Splinterlands even though he had long sold out of the game. He dreamt of Hive reaching $50 per token so he would never have to work again. He wrote 3 times a day about everything and anything and he would get very little comments because his posts were bordering on shit posts they were so bad. Jimmy spent the majority of his time writing about how Hive would reach $50 on no technical basis whatsoever and would get in an argument with those who disagreed with him. So today was a good day for Jimmy the Lazy Bastard as he could prove some of his detractors wrong. Jimmy predicted that every cent that Hive increased by could be an opportunity to post which he was delighted with. "How much can Hive increase by" will be his first post. Could Hive reach a $1 would be his second and so on and so forth. Jimmy longed to get out of his mothers house so he could have a couple of hoes on the go in his own place. But the crustiness has long set in and the chance of Jimmy getting a ride even off a prostitute was around 0.001%.

Hive Maxi Dreamfactor 10/10

Neddy the Venezuelian

Hive had been good to Neddy who used Hives decentralised funding to build up a nice little nest egg for himself and declare himself one of the first full time Hive maxi's. There had been heat on Ned for taking too much from the decentralised pot to fund his own lavish lifestyle but Ned hit back saying he once purchased 500 Hive out of his own pocket and has purchased thousands of Splinterlands cards to support the Hive eco system, How dare anyone say he was a leech and not participating in the blockchain. People were predictably angry when Ned's outgoings of $200,000 somewhat dwarfed the $500 that he put in but he never mentioned that in his outrage post. In the end Ned played the mental health card which was the bottom of the barrel move and hoped the heat would go away. Hive heading to 40 cent was a ray of sunshine for Ned as he still had some HBD squirreled away and he could cash in all his side projects if the price for Hive increased. It is a win win for Ned. Also if the eco system got bigger then the funds being attributed to questionable projects may slip through the cracks. If Ned was extracting thousands of HBD during the bad times then what could he do during the good times. Ned lipped his lips and rubbed his knees at the thoughts.

Hive Maxy Dreamfactor 8/10

Stan the Hive Guru

Stan was one of the whales who had run Hive for years. He had his last sip of juice from his coconut beside his hammock, wiped his big scraggledy beard, stored his bong away and went to post on X his next meme about decentralization around the Hive eco system. The rise to 40 cent had made his recent tweets even more unbearable as it was a sort of "I told you so".

"The lone Wolve follows the full moon as the sea gulls chase the barley. Hive is rising. Decentralisation is an eel of the river weaving through the ripples of humanity. No other token offers the otter bread."

The usual tweet replies from his Hive followers came about mainly in a hope that Stan the stoned demigod would upvote one of their posts. Others felt sorry for little Mohammed and his constant brown nosing. But one rebel called him out and said
"The Hive price would have increased sooner if you and your band of moochers were not taking from the DHF pool."

This was met with a reply.
"The honey badger fights the Tiger but the worm drowns while the rainbow shines."

Stan was weary of the Hive price moving up. He and his 5 hussies had Hive the way they liked. Any newcomers or whales coming in would ruin the racket that had taken some time to bed in. He felt threatened so hoped that the increase would not last too long and we would go back to the 34 cent mark quite soon. Stan was already loaded. This increase could make him even richer but what he could lose was much much more. Shit talking on X.

Hive Maxy Dreamfactor 0/10

Shelia The FOMO

Shelia had just sold all her Hive for the 10th time in a row to get funds after another bad break up. She had posted many time about needing money but the calls to her posts mostly fell on deaf ears because Shelia was her own worst enemy and always chose the wrong partner. She should have known this guy was trouble when she asked him to bring her somewhere expensive for the evening and he took her to the petrol station. If Shelia had not sold her Hive she would be sitting on 250k. She was popular in the community and easy on the eye so her posts made her money no matter what she wrote. Seeing the Hive price going this high made her anxious and FOMO set in so she immediately posted a bikini post and within 10 minutes she had 200 Hive in the bag for next week. "I still haven't lost it" smiled Shelia.

Hive Maxy Dreamfactor 2/10

At the time of writing Hive has just dropped below the 40 cent again nut Maureen, PJ , Jimmy, Ned , Stan and Shelia will have to live another day dreaming on what could happen in this very important bull run.


I actually is aware of this characters

The Hive Coin Maximumists started to come out of their cave, blinded by the light with great big grey beards (even the ladies).

I almost spat my beer out at this point


every shadow in her home town over the last 4 years


I think I know every one of these characters 😀

I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about good sir. These are all fictional characters.

They ARE!! of that there is no doubt. None whatsoever. No siree bob

Hive has been good to everyone and I hope we keep going up

Hey @blanchy, here is a little bit of BEER from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Sounds like Shelia understands s€x sells and has no qualms with bearing nearly all.

To each there own.