There are no drugs for neonatal colic pain

in Motherhood3 months ago

There's no doubt that the world keeps evolving technologically through research and development. Many diseases that used to constitute nightmares to humanity and claim a lot of lives are now easily rid of using cheap, over-the-counter drugs. For example, malaria used to be a terminal ailment. Anyone who dies of malaria now either ignored the disease for a long time despite displaying the symptoms or has another condition that's in synergy with malaria.

However, as research brings about advancement in science and technology, the greed of man also keeps evolving. To the chronic capitalists, profits are more important than human lives. Thus, it is not uncommon to find drugs that do nothing more than placebos claiming to be the cure for certain illnesses. The better ones among these drugs are the one that treats the symptoms instead of tackling what brings about the symptoms.

The bottom line remains that once the actual cause of an abnormal health condition is yet to be ascertained, there's no way drugs that will outrightly cure such abnormality can be invented. Even some diseases whose causative organisms are known remain unsolved as far as curable drugs are concerned.


By Evan-Amos - Own work, Public Domain,

Colic pains are abdominal discomforts suffered by babies, which make them cry uncontrollably most of the time. Modern science is still battling with the possible cause of these pains but some of the hypotheses put forward include under or overfeeding, reflux of stomach content, overstimulations, and many others. Since science has yet to ascertain the cause of this discomfort, it is quite surprising that there are drugs on the market. A good example of such drugs is infacol. The interesting thing is that these drugs don't come cheap at all.

Available statistics show that between 20 to 30% of babies worldwide suffer from colic pains. Perhaps the data that gives rise to this average is skewed because virtually all the babies I have come across in this part of the world displayed some of the symptoms of colic pains. I have 3 children and all 3 of them had colic pains. In each case, different drugs were recommended ranging from expensive to not-so-expensive ones and I refused to use any drug.

Instead, there are some positions where I usually place my babies that seem to work in alleviating the pain. Some of these positions include placing them on my chest with their stomachs resting against my chest, placing them lying down on their stomach, placing them on my shoulders while massaging their backs gently, etc. The colic pain usually subsides after 2 to 3 months.

Whenever I try to educate people on the issue of colic pain and how there are no drugs to treat it, they look at me like an alien. This shows how deeply their psychics have been influenced by aggressive capitalism. Not even drug regulators are keeping drugs with such false claims out of circulation.

If you are one of those who believe that there are drugs against infant colic pains, I would like to read your views with evidence in the comment section. However, as of today, the actual cause of infant colic pain remains elusive just as its curable drug.


Interesting piece.i think God has the drug for colic pains for in the midst of the pains he gives them sleep.

Sleeping is a sign of relief. You are right

Well I went to this stage is tough but you are right, there isn't much to do..

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Indeed. experience remains the best teacher

WoW my friend @gentleshaid you publications is fantastic. Congratulations

In my tribe, a new mom adds scents leaves to their soups or meals for six months and nothing like baby colic, I do not believe how amazing it could work until I have my baby.

Really? Is it the one with small leaves or big leaves?

This is scent leaves, if you have a new mom around you, encourage her to use it in her soups she will thank you for it.

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