Vote for Freechain and get a upvote from empo.voter (worth up to 5$)!

in LeoFinance5 months ago

As some of you may already know, Freechain is already available to the public on it's first Cinema Festival and everyone can see it through Vimeo after paying entrance.

However, the entrance fee is $12 and I understand that this may be a bit of a deterrent for some people.

That is why I have decided to do my bit with the following initiative.

The aim is to promote that more people can see the film without thinking about the cost, although in my subjective opinion anyone who has been here for ''some'' time and has received ''some'' support from the community should not even think about it.

This is one of those moments when your favourite chain needs you.

To qualify:

  1. Read an Reblog @lordbutterfly last post. Follow the steps here, you basically have to register on Vimeo and pay for the Festival entrance.

  1. Watch (and enjoy!) the film. And this is obviously the most important part of the whole process! Enjoy it!

Freechain is the num 36 -->

  1. After watching, please vote for it.
    You have to check for the registration email and follow the steps here.

  1. After everything is done, just let me know in the comments.

I don't have any meaningful way of checking if you actually voted for the film, so any evidence (screenshots?) would be appreciated (although not strictly necessary).

Trust will also play a role. So please don't be trash trying to fake things if we never interacted before (just for an upvote).

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I just finished watching it finally. I thought the creators of the film accomplished their main goals and it seemed well done. I’m glad we have something like this and hope it reaches a wide audience after winning the vote contest.

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Yes I voted!


That's the spirit! Thx daltono!

Just doing my part 🫡

I just watched and voted, not sure how clear the story will be for those who didn't live through it, but it's all marketing!

Karl! What a joy and what a long time. I hope everything is going great for you.

Best wishes!

Hey life is all good cheers and I hope you guys are doing well too!

I watched and voted for it yesterday. It's been a long time coming. They really tried to cover a LOT of ground in a pretty short window. It was interesting but I would like to see some sort of website or even a Discord channel where people could go to get more information. I think it will do enough to pique some interest out there but having a site one click away where people could go to truly get the full story I think would be helpful. Plus it would have the added benefit of being able to direct people into creating a Hive account and joining the "revolution". Just my thoughts...

I've already voted for it and sponsored a second person through my twitter account.
Not looking for the upvote but it's great to see people rounding up support and getting behind the movie.

This is the whole purpose of building a community with common aims and goals. If one succeeds, we all succeed.

Every little push helps, and no one will do it for us down the road.


Well, here is my part of the promotion. Let's help this great project:

Well done!

How you're doing alex? long time no see :)

Same old, same old. Taking care of family and business. Still fat. Need to meet with you again.

Post voted 100% for the hiro.guita project. Keep up the good work.

New manual curation account for Leofinance and Cent