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RE: The Reasons Why Web 3.0 Will Win

in LeoFinancelast month

It is really simple: developers need to create compelling products (and services) that people want to use.

Absolutely. Social media on the blockchain is important, but it hasn't sold well because most are already on Facebook or Twitter. However, I think with developments like VSC smart contracts, Bitcoin wrapping, etc., Hive is becoming fertile ground for some innovative things to emerge.

But you also have to consider that if everything is going to move to web3, then mundane products like online image compressors, file format converters, link shorteners, etc. will be on web3 as well. So there is plenty of opportunity even without the innovative stuff.

I mean, micropayments, man. They used to be talked about a lot more as one of the things that blockchain technology enables. But I guess with the fees on these other chains it's just not possible. Hive is so far ahead of them in this regard, but it isn't really being utilized yet.

Decentralized products start out a mess. They seem to make no sense, go in many different directions, and are chaotic.

Yes, it's not really possible to steer a true decentralized system in just one direction, is it? I think this is to Hive's advantage though. Imagine if it was still under the control of Ned and Stinc. We'd probably still be waiting for SMTs and nobody would be stepping up to develop alternatives.


Decentralized systems are complex organisms. Hence they follow a different set of "rules" as compared to centralized entities.

That is why they tend to be haphazard and chaotic. Now we are dealing with a form of selection. We cannot dictate what people will be drawn to or what breakthroughs they will present.

Web 3.0 will be an underlying component of everything in my opinion. There still will be other models built on top though.