Introducing HIVE and HBD Liquidity Pools on BSC! | LP HBD and HIVE Together, Earn 80%+ APR!

in LeoFinance2 years ago


CUB has seen a multi-phased rollout of the Multi-Token Bridge. We're now officially live with bHBD and bHIVE! You can LP HIVE and HBD on BNB Smart Chain (BSC) and earn incredible returns.

Why Are We Doing This?

Hive has a serious liquidity problem

HIVE & HBD can be difficult to buy and sell. As of right now, the #1 place (in terms of liquidity) to buy and sell HIVE is on Binance - a centralized exchange that doesn't even offer access anymore without KYC. This knocks off a whole lot of investors from touching HIVE as the #1 exchange isn't even available to them.

A decentralized exchange fixes this. The internal market is the next-best thing at the moment but even the internal market on Hive has its own issues. Liquidity is thin and it still works on an order book system. The internal market is awesome, but we need more avenues to buy and sell Hive.

More exchange listings, availability and liquidity are a great thing. They also offer more arbitrage which simply increases the trading volume on every exchange where Hive is listed, CEX, DEX or internal market. This is great for HIVE's exposure to the broader markets.

HBD has plenty of issues including basically no CEX listings of value. DEXes are the future but we need more of them and we need more liquidity on them.

bHBD and bHIVE offer seamless derivatives that users can exchange on BSC and bring back and forth directly on the Hive blockchain. This is not the only solution, but it is a key rung in the ladder to success for HIVE and HBD in our opinion. One piece of a much bigger puzzle and CUB aims to be at the center of it.

The vision for CUB's Product Market Fit (PMF) has dramatically shifted

We launched CUB in March 2021 as a simple yield farming app. The vision was clearly outlined at the beginning: we wanted to build a base layer of technology that we could continually stack new developments on. Create the CUB token, distribute it widely and then find ways to add value to the CUB DeFi stack by innovating within the DeFi space.

bHBD and bHIVE are so incredibly valuable for CUB. ICYMI: we released the first monthly CUB Burn Report in which we showed how much revenue the CUB Protocol was generating from bHBD and bHIVE.

Our path to success is in deepening the liquidity pools for bHBD and bHIVE so that we can facilitate more trading.

The CUB DAO is now officially live and operating autonomously - earning revenue from bHBD and bHIVE through wrapping fees, oracle staking and arbitrage - and then buying back CUB on a daily basis and burning it permanently from the circulating supply.

Our vision for CUB has changed dramatically. We've been searching for Product Market Fit for CUB since it went live back in March 2021. We've gone through so many different iterations from Kingdoms to IDOs and now to bHBD and bHIVE derivitives.

CUB is turning into a Decentralized Derivatives powerhouse and Hive is at the center of it. Building the activity for wrapping and liquidity pooling will simply drive more CUB to get burned each month which will increase the value of the CUB ecosystem and thus, drive more rewards into the hands of users who LP HIVE and HBD on

We're not pushing insane amounts of LP rewards into the hands of HIVE and HBD LPs out of the good of our hearts. We want Hive to succeed but we also want CUB to succeed. We've found an incredible way to deploy a mutually beneficial relationship between CUB and Hive through the bHBD and bHIVE Multi-Token Bridge Protocol and we're excited to watch it grow and do everything in our power to deepen liquidity on the bridge.

Introducing bHBD-bHIVE


Have you ever wanted to pool HBD and HIVE together and earn insanely high APR?

We just deployed the newest liquidity pool for CUB: bHBD-bHIVE. Imagine this LP as being a supercharged version of the internal market for HIVE and HBD.

As this LP deepens, you'll be able to seamlessly trade HIVE for HBD and vice versa. If you use a DEX aggregator, your swaps can also get routed through the bHBD-CUB, bHIVE-CUB and bHBD-BUSD LPs to get better swap pricing.

Instead of setting orders in the internal market and praying for a fill, you can use an AMM to get a guaranteed fill price, instantly!

How to LP bHBD and bHIVE:

  1. Wrap HBD and HIVE to bHBD and bHIVE using
  2. Stake bHBD and bHIVE on the new PancakeSwap Listing
  3. Head to and then stake the bHBD-bHIVE LP Tokens to start earning yield
  4. 🔂

This LP just went live so the liquidity is starting to pile in. As of right now, the APR is over 87%. This APR will start to find an equilibrium as more liquidity enters the pool. The Multiplier is currently set to 12x but we plan to raise this to keep the APR competitive with the bHBD-BUSD LP for the long-term forseeable future. 🚀

Prefer Stablecoins? LP bHBD-BUSD for 30%+ APR


Right now the APR for staking bHBD and BUSD is 35%. Our intention is to keep this APR well above 30% at all times. So if you want to earn higher yield on your HBD and have the benefit of keeping it liquid (no 3 day unstaking window), then LP your HBD as bHBD-BUSD and reap the rewards!

About LeoFinance

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Our mission is to put Web3 in the palm of your hands.


Our Hive Applications

Join Web3:
Microblog on Hive:
LeoMobile (IOS):
LeoMobile (Android):
Delegate HIVE POWER: Earn 16% APR, Paid Daily. Currently @ 2.8M HP
Earn 50%+ APR on HIVE/HBD:

Web3 & DeFi

Web3 is about more than social media. It encompasses a personal revolution in financial awareness and data ownership. We've merged the two with our Social Apps and our DeFi Apps:

CubFinance (BSC):
PolyCUB (Polygon):
Multi-Token Bridge (Bridge HIVE, HBD, LEO):

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @mcoinz79, @uyobong, @no-advice, @yeckingo1 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Been waiting for this :-)

I feel this is a win-win for HIVE and CUB both. Providing liquidity for this pool is a really nice way to get good yield and support CUB with increasing fees and burns.

I hope that this will encourage more and more Hiveans from outside the LEO world to use cubfinance as their exchange of choice.

For cubfinance it seems counterintuitive to not have CUB in a pair, but I feel this may end up being the best thing cubfinance has done so far. Which is saying alot because so far cubfinance has done some really good things.

WEN vexCUB so we can vote up that bHBD-bHIVE yield?? ;-) Actually I am not even sure if I would do that in CUB or not...need to keep some relative liquidity within my own stack.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a big, huge, super fantastic addition to CUB and Hive. Making bHIVE-bHBD pool to serve mutual benefits of Hive and CUB is superb. The journey into the future is just starting. Glad to be a part of this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another vault, Welldone. The rewards are pretty much nice for LP'ing.
Thanks guys.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Alright this is actully a pretty cool and a legit pairing up. Anyone on hive could take part in this one rather easily!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great work guys! If I had any liquid hive, I would try it! Just stakin and votin

Already in there! Saw your tweet this morning and jumped on the new pair. The APR was 90%+ when I entered. That obviously couldn't last.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow this quite impressive with the progress and I believe there's still more to occur.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome move from the team. Impressive rewards. cubDeFi the place to be right now

@leofinance, sorry to see you have less Hive Power.
Your level lowered and you are now a Minnow!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

HiveFest⁷ badges available at the HiveBuzz store
HiveFest⁷ meetup in Amsterdam is next week. Be part of it and get your badge.
Our Hive Power Delegations to the August PUM Winners
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

I love the way Leo team are solving all the real-time hive problem. Good to know this liquidity problem has been solved with this pool

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even is a problem to use Binance for many users for being citizens of banned countries like me (a Cuban citizen), I think it's a good decision in order to preserve the $HIVE & $HBD market value. There's others ways to trade and exchange our tokens, or we can just use bridges like @v4vapp to change from HIVE-HBD to Bitcoin. Well done guys!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Hive Blockchain thanks you for your service.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great progress witnessing and I strongly believe more are coming

This is one of the coolest ideas. It's also basically a no-brainer. It's a 100% bet on Hive. No stablecoins. No depending on separate coin. !CTP !LUV !PIZZA

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@d-zero(1/5) tipped @leofinance (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

One thing about here is that lot of development keeps coming always , this is a good one too

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is definitely a very good one and this is just another way to make everyone participate easily too

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta