Shifting Sources of Income...

So my income sources have shifted in the last few months...

The main shift is that my blog income is DOWN, which isn't great, but it is what it is, I always new this would happen eventually.

But my strategy of getting some freelance interviewing has paid off nicely, and this has plugged the gap almost exactly, and the work isn't too bad, the novelty hasn't quite worn off, yet! And it's only part-time!

Balance of Income...

So the ad revenue from the blog is still the bulk of my income, and with the revision resource sales still almost 2/3rds.

But the interviewing income now makes up 1/3rd and then a small amount from interest...

chart (70).png

Rebalancing the work effort for May and Summer....

I think I need to to put in more hours on the blog, I've got a few ideas for some new content and a few more hours updating stuff.

Also I should get into tuition I think, this is leveraging my skills set for not too much effort, having done four months of interviewing now I know tuition would be twice the hourly rate, or there abouts, so this is a no-brainer.

I still just need to get my head around the idea!

But defo with the blog I need to put more in, because it's passive-ish income, with the interviewing it's just one interview, paid, there's no investment leading to a greater return!

Which is fine up to a point!

Interviewing sort of took over the last few months...

I think this is partly because I'm new, partly because last month was actually very busy, I had a LOT of interviews! But also because I'm a bit crap at organising interviews PLUS the blog.

Even after just 3 hours out in the field, I've been getting home and just chillaxing rather than getting on with what should be my priority, redirecting the blog!

But then again I have been bored of the blog, and maybe having had four months off I can get back to it with renewed enthusiasm.

As I said, I've got a few new ideas to redirect, and now a BRAND NEW MAC, so all of that should help.

Now I've found my feet with the interviewing and done a few different projects I'm more able to be efficient and say no to the shit ones!

So here's to May and Summer 2024... back to blogging!!!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I'm curious to know how much can you be paid for 1 interwiev?
Enjoy your brans new mac!

have a great day.

It depends on the interview, between £20 and £80!

Question, when you mention blog you me out of Hive? do you do freelance consulting?

No I just run a revision blog and earn ad revenue. Unlike with any content on Hive enough people are interested in that stuff to earn me real money!

good luck, mate, and all that stuff that come with it!

Exactly the same thing has happened to me in the last month or so I have been working as hard as before but my reward has been greatly reduced now trying a few things to change and get more. work hard.

Do you have other blogs than Hive?