Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to EU: Innovate, don't regulate! OpenAI memory is not available in the EU, is the EU too busy regulating to be relevant?

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)

Der ehemalige CEO von Google Eric Schmidt hat be einer AI-Veranstaltung ziemlich deutlich die EU kritisiert.

Wörtlich sagte er, dass er 10 Jahre versucht hätte, die EU davon zu überzeugen, innovativ zu sein anstatt zu regulieren und die EU reguliere einfach weiter.

Dachte zuerst es ist vielleicht ein Deep Fake, aber habe die Video-Quelle gecheckt und es scheint authentisch zu sein.

Was sagt ihr dazu? Denkt ihr, dass die EU alles überreguliert oder ist die Regulierung notwendig, um die Macht der Konzerne/Wirtschaft einzuschränken? (große Konzerne können sich die Regulierung eher leisten als KMUs und Startups)

EU is too busy regulating to be relevant


"I spent ten years trying to convince Europe to actually innovate instead of regulate, and the just keep regulating.".
Eric Schmidt, AI Expo for National Competitiveness, May 7th-8th 2024

OpenAI Memory is not available in the EU

Growth is stagnating in the EU compared to US and China

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AI bias due to regulation?

Innovate first, regulate later

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The former CEO of Google Eric Schmidt criticized the EU quite clearly at an AI event.

He literally said that he had spent 10 years trying to convince the EU to innovate instead of regulate and the EU just kept regulating.

Thought it might be a deep fake at first, but checked the video source and it seems to be authentic.

What do you think? Do you think the EU over-regulates everything or is regulation necessary to limit the power of corporations/businesses? (large corporations can afford regulation more than SMEs and start-ups)

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xx Viki @vikisecrets


Natürlich ist die EU ein Regulationsmonster, schon alleine für ihre eigene Daseinsberechtigung. Daher will sie ihre Kompetenzen immer weiter ausweiten. Ob das schlecht ist? Was für eine Frage!
Das stärkste Wachstum hatten die EU-Länder, bevor die EU existiert hat. Kein Wunder, es geht ihr nicht um Wohlstand, sondern um Macht und Kontrolle.

too much regulation.

Just as dictators are obsessed with power. Against anyone or anything that interferes with his power

The EU is number one in regulating . Too much of nothing is good

I think the EU over-regulates too much. I have heard quite a few stories out there over the past decade and I think it's way too much. They should also be adapting to the new landscape.

Regulierung bringt nichts, da das Ergebnis der technologischen Innovation sowieso global spürbar sein wird.


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Yes, the EU over-regulates everything. That's why there's no EU companies in the top10 market cap.

I feel EU is very selfish in their regulating that they overdo it.

US: innovate first, regulate later
China: copy innovation, no regulation
EU: regulate first, stifle innovation

This is said in simple words, but so true...
Europe will have to take care if they don't want to loose their living standards..

I really don't think EU means well with their indiscriminate regulations.

US: innovate first, regulate later
China: copy innovation, no regulation
EU: regulate first, stifle innovation

And because of this, China is the most successful of the 3 xD

Regulationsbehörde EU 🤢

If I'm not mistaken, this was written by Ronald Reagan:
"Does it work? Tax it a lot!
Is it still working? Start regulating it!
Has it stopped working? Start subsidizing it!"
I think every government in the world works like this. In Europe, unfortunately, probably the most.

As much as there are pseudo-democracies now. Europe is still a feudal system and feudal systems are based on power moving as little as possible. That is the big difference with the United States that created a nation from scratch. Unfortunately for Americans, in a couple of centuries they will already be in the same European system.

Braucht kein Mensch die Regulierung.

I feel EU is just doing too much. They want to be a part of everything

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