Fiesta Adventure

in Weekend Experiences18 days ago (edited)



Fiesta means a festive celebration especially for those countries that have been influence by the Spanish. We can't deny the fact that we adapt their traditions because we were colonized by the Spanish for over 300 years if I am not mistaken. Held in almost every town and province here in our country (Philippines). It is an occasion to honor patron saints and show our cultural traditions. It is the heart of Filipino culture. Who has been here who has not experience a fiesta or been to fiesta?

It was a fiesta day at my live-in partner's birthplace ( Don G. Antigua, Borbon,Cebu) and locals call this place Goyong. My live in partner and my kids went there first because I have some activities to pass on to my subject teachers and I also have a job interview at one of them. Afternoon came, and I have not come after them , so my husband decided to pick me up at school, but I say you can pick me up later because I am not done yet with my interview and I'm still waiting for my name to be called out. So he went back to Goyong.

In our classroom, my lifetime partner's cousin asked me to accompany her to Goyong but actually we already talked about it before fiesta came with my other friend. She looks so pretty and gorgeous with her outfit and make up on.

We went to our house first to have a little snack because we were already starving and it was late in the afternoon. We talk about picking up our other friend because she wants to join us and she cannot walk alone because she has two daughters, a one year old and a new born. She cannot carry all her kids and she want us to assist her so she can go with us. Suddenly, my husband came and nagged me ,telling me that everyone was looking for me and I was already late. So I said sorry for his cousin and said I will go there with my live in partner and leave her and my other friend. She understands me and just told me to bring his son instead so she will go to ride on a bus, because her son is with her, and riding on a bus cost less than motorcycle.

When I actually reach Goyong, I see my kids along with their cousins having a shake that was sold by their grandma.




Fiesta won't happen if the houses aren't prepared , they cook or ordered delicious foods and delicacies for their visitors. We first went to one of the neighbors of my future mother in law.This is the fun part of fiesta, you can eat everywhere for free, from desserts to softdrinks and the owner of any houses is inviting you to get inside their house to eat where you served delicious meal and lechon baboy on the center of the table. But what I'm rooting to eat is the seafood delicacies that they prepared, I don't take a look at leachon and get more shrimp and put it on my plate so as my daughter
and our company.




I also saw a dog that was huge in size, I don't know what the breed of this dog is ,as per my company. It was pretty huge in person



After we are done eating and as we are walking heading back to my live in partner house, one of the friend of my company invited us to eat in their house. We said no because we are already full but he won't take no as an answer, so we get inside their house and take a little food, I can't really take food inside my tummy because I'm way too full. I just try to eat the food I get so I won't upset or embarrass the host of the house. There are still lots of food on the table and they really looks delicious but I only get calamaris because my tummy seems like to burst out.


We went straight back to the house and alcoholic drinks are waiting for me. I really say "later", I don't feel like drinking at that moment, my tummy is way too full.


So I asked my live in partner to go the peryahan to avoid drinking alcohol beverages and also to digest the food I eat because I hardly breathe because of the fullness I feel. We have just walked through the pinoy carnival (peryahan).


On our way there,there are lots of varieties of products selling beside the road.



Lots of people are passing by , on their way to fiesta , on their way back home , some are going to Pinoy carnival and returning.


My daughter and her cousin are competing with each other who will come first to our destination, but when we nearly near perayan ,they walk hand in hand.



Inside the peryahan, their are lots of different of games.






But we choose the game where kids can bet a penny. They are actually having lots of fun inside peryahan.


Even if I lost an amount of money on betting on all the games they pick it was all worth it when I saw the smile on my daughter upon experiencing what peryahan is.

Before heading back to their grandma's house , we have a stop and buy a snack , located at the entrance at the peryahan.


In their grandma's house , music was so loud that my daughter couldn't stop herself from dancing and so was her grandma.




The cold beer is waiting for me at the table ready to be drink .


We've been to the church and lit a candle with a specific prayer, thanking the patron saint for all the blessings and asking for guidance and protection always. I had never taken a pic because my cellphone was battery drained.

When night time comes and I have been drunk a little, my live in partner's mother and his cousins invited me to disco. I say no at first because my daughter was not yet fallen asleep. They suggested to bring my daughter, so I really brought my her to the disco. I know it was wrong but we didn't stay long




After half an hour of partying at the disco , my live in partner wants to go home because he has some work for tomorrow. So we went home and rode on a bus.

We went home straight right away, and sleep upon reaching home . Fiesta is so much fun when you celebrate it with people who are dear to you. Some of your relatives who are living far will come home just to celebrate fiesta with all your kin. This kind of occasion serve as like a reunion.

I will end my blog here and see you again on my next blog. Hope you enjoy reading it.


You are right Ma'am @juralyrondina Fiesta is so much fun when you celebrate it with people who are dear to you. Some of your relatives who are living far will come home just to celebrate fiesta with all your kin. This kind of occasion serve as like a reunion.

Indeed ma'am

It always fun and nice to celebrate with our love ones.
It's one of the moment I Cherish the most❤️.
Having more like a reunion kind of thing ❤️

I strongly agree with you sir

I'm glad you did
It's a pleasure

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LEO Power Up Day - May 15, 2024

As a citizen of country once colonized country by Spain (Venezuela) let me just say this: I do knot what "fiesta means". Loved to find this beautiful and kind posts, like yours! Loved all the happy face from the kids! God bless them all! And you, of course! All the best, darling!