Enjoying a space alone

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-12 at 11.46.37 PM.jpeg

Enjoying a space alone

Blessed present and happy mother's day to all the moms of Hive 💗

Apropos of celebrating Mother's Day in my country, I chose from @galenkp suggestions on favorite things, the following:

What is your favorite activity to do alone?

I start by telling you that one of my favorite things to do alone is to watch TV and drink wine, although it may seem funny to you, in my busy days that simple activity is a real "luxury" to treat myself.

Of course there are many other things that I love to do alone, but today this stands out as my favorite activity because when we are in the role of being a mother, we can devote ourselves to give all the attention and care to our children and we lose spaces like these without realizing it, or I don't know if it is something that happens to me particularly for being a single mom.

I remember that until about 6 or 8 months ago I had a ritual on Fridays of having a little wine, preparing my favorite meal or ordering sushi and watching a movie, sometimes I would leave the kids to my mom to be really alone and not have to wait for them to fall asleep to be able to do it.

However, somewhere along my timeline I stopped doing that, I can't find a reason right now for it, but the truth is that yesterday I realized it and gave myself that space which was extremely relaxing.

We had a movie at home (the kids and I), we watched a children's movie and as soon as it was over I sent them to sleep, and I stayed in the living room getting ready for my next adult movie or series. I poured myself a little wine that I hadn't had for about 3 months because I was on a medical treatment, so to retake that space felt glorious, hahahaha.

It is one of my favorite things because it amuses me, I think maybe I stopped doing it at some point because with the series I can end up getting addicted and then I go to bed very late, yesterday it was 4 in the morning watching TV in the living room, and when I went to my bed to sleep, the kids had invaded my bed completely.

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Sometimes I don't watch TV, but listen to music, or just sit quietly sipping wine watching, listening, feeling....

I feel that it is a very necessary space for everyone, maybe for me it is this simple thing, for others it can be a walk to the mountains, leaving the city or any other activity, in any case, I think that what you do or stop doing is the least important, as long as you procure that space for yourself, to be with you and to procure that space of enjoyment, tranquility, joy or disconnection from the external, or whatever motivates you to have a space for yourself alone.

I'm convinced that giving ourselves a space to be alone is health, wellness, harmony, balance... and therefore, especially for moms in their days, I recommend you to look for that space to be by and for yourselves, to pamper yourselves, this will not take anything away from our children, rather, they will gain a healthier and more integrated mom.

Blessings and good vibes to all. See you soon!

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Those spaces are always needed, being alone is something that calms me down and watching TV relaxes a lot and more with a wine next to you, you deserve it, for more time for yourself 😉

That's right friend, we deserve that time and it is absolutely necessary to be well 🤗

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