entry reflections 167: walking by

i often take a walk in the park and look for interesting photo opportunities. every time there is something new and today was no exception. the shutters were open on one particular window in the old stone barracks. as i approached i noticed a nice reflection in the window. but what struck me most was how the reflection changed as walked by. so i backed up and took this series of shots as i walked by again.

the middle shot is my contest entry


Yeah that looks fun. I can only imagine a random passer by watching you as you slowly changed positions so focused on your phone you didn't notice then watching in curiosity. Nice share. !LUV

good morning dear friend @eolianpariah2 how are you?
How great that you discovered this window and its reflections.
Beautiful shots, I appreciate you sharing with us.
have a beautiful day

thanks a lot. i am sending best wishes for your recovery from health issues.

You’re so smart to immediately take the photo of the reflection you saw on the window
Nice one!