Curator Cat Ponders: What is the Future of the Creative Coin Community and Token on Hive-Engine?

So, after being "offline" or unavailable for a couple of months, it seems like the Creative Coin front end and particularly the CCC token has more or less come back to life... or at least to a measure of stability.

Personally, obviously, I'm very happy to see that.


For those who might not be "in the loop," CCC suddenly stopped paying out rewards — even through content creators were supposed still earning them — and that went on for over 60 days, before suddenly all the backlog was cleared in a single "bulk" payment.

Things seems to be operating somewhat normally, now.

However, I still don't understand what happened, nor do I understand who or what brought the coin back out of its dormancy.


Ship Without a Captain or Rudder?

Which brings me to my next question — and to some degree concern — which is whether it is really possible for a community to run and continue growing without some kind of active leadership to guide it along?

Yes I realize we're all allegedly operating in a decentralized universe here, but that doesn't mean that something gets to exist and thrive without some guiding hands to steer it in some agreed-upon direction. Or, at least, somebody has the authority to raise the questions that need to be resolved even if those questions need to be resolved by consensus, rather than by executive decision.

Even after the many ups and downs and periodic shutdowns this community has seen in its lifespan, I still love the idea of there being a community that specifically supports the artistic and creative audience of Hive.


Yes, I know we have specific art centered communities and we have specific writer based communities and music based communities… but I still think it is important and certainly valuable to have an overall "container" for all these creatives and artists.

And most of these (if not ALL) communities do not have a supporting token, like CCC.

I just worry that a rudderless ship isn't going to go very far. Or it will end up going in circles to nowhere.

Which leads me to what is currently on my mind and has been for a while: IS the Creative Coin Community and the CCC token just a "ghost ship" floating through the hive ecosystem?

What will happen to the front end when the domain comes up for renewal? Sure, there way me ample liquid Hive/CCC in the community's "treasury," but it takes a human being to step up and make sure the bills are actually paid!

Inquiring minds want to know! If anyone has an answer, DO leave me a comment below!


Curator Cat, 2023.02.20


I'm late to this post but of late I've been thinking that one of the problems with communities is that most of them have so little participation of any kind on them, it's kind of like speaking to an empty room. A community may be perfectly suited to what you are posting about, but if there's one post a week in there nobody's looking. Since CCC is one of the slow communities, I wonder if any ship captains who might be willing and able to do the tasks necessary to keep things afloat just don't find it worth their time?

Hey @curatorcat.ccc, here is a little bit of BEER from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

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Today I am here for the shiny Kitty and not for the coins. I love the third photos. Keep up the good work!

Thank you @hanen! Hoping to find some more time to post cat pictures!
